Friday, June 17, 2016

Case 1 & 2

Case 1 -- 20160613/20160615

A woman was brought to me by the captain of the guard, Lev. She had come though the gate quickly, commented on how Lev disciplined his slave, and did not halt when Lev first said something. The Lady claimed she was waiting for someone, friends that came with her but where not there at the time. Date may be off.

2 days under house arrest with Zev guarding her - Lady Skylar's suggestion.

Case 2 -- 20160616

A woman try to kill one of our ladies, steel a map, and set a slave free.

She wanted to be flogged and impaled. Our Lt Commander Blaze did kill her so she missed out on her public execution.

(got sick from not eating had to excite quickly)

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