Friday, June 24, 2016

Turia Black Caste Rules

Any questions, contact:

Black Caste Master Assassin of Turia;  Dedar (AnderErosGhost)

Black Caste of Turia - Coal  ( NigalTwaddlesworthIII )

Black Caste Moderator of Turia  - None at this time




Original City of Turia BC Sim Laws, Version 2.3 (April 21, 2016)



Original City of Turia

Black Caste Laws

Version 2.3



~~Black Caste Sim Moderators~~


The following Assassin Mods are to be contacted to receive clearance papers to enter the city as a masked assassin, and/or to initiate a hunt, and/or for other matters pertaining to the Black Caste.















All Assassins will have a male avatar, that is human, have proof of training by current Caste standards, and be ninety (90) days old or more.


Current Caste Standards: In order to conduct a hunt in this sim, the Assassin must provide evidence of his qualifications to the sim’s Master Assassin in the form of certified training papers; personal knowledge on the part of the Master Assassin that the Killer has trained and/or who his training Mentor(s) was/were; and/or a letter of reference signed by at least two or more recognized Master Assassins.  Prior to the approval of a hunt, the signatories to such certified training papers and/or letters of reference may be contacted for verification. 


Assassins AND trainees are required to stop by and make the City's Master Assassin aware of their presence, failure to do so, may invalidate your hunt.







Within the City of Turia, the Black Caste maintains its independence and retains sovereignty over its own affairs.  The Master Assassin of Turia is considered "the administration" for all of the Black Caste’s affairs in the sim.  Thus, an Assassin shall not seek IC or OOC permission from the sim Ubar/Administrator to hunt on the sim.  He MUST contact the Master Assassin of this sim PRIOR to beginning his hunt. 


Once verification of the avatar requirements have been received, the Master Assassin will provide no mod/no copy Hunt Clearance papers for each specific hunt.  An eight digit code will be provided based upon the specific contract.  The Assassin is then free to begin that specific hunt.  Assassin moderators and/or sim moderators will not require details of who the target is IC or OOC, and the target of the Assassin will not be informed either IC or OOC. 


The Master Assassin will only require the date that the contract was initiated by the client to generate the code and to issue clearance papers.  The date of contract initiation will be held in confidence and is required to be given solely to the Master Assassin just to ensure that the required three day period of the hunt is met and that these Hunt Clearance papers are not used for multiple, unrelated clients and/or hunts. 


The Killer need only then be wearing the Mark of the Assassin and present the "Turia BC Hunt Clearance for [Insert SL Name Here]" in order to gain access to hunt with his mask and bow.


If Hunt Clearance papers are not in order, a hunt SHALL NOT begin until they are obtained from the Master Assassin.  Not doing so may (depending upon the circumstances) invalidate part or all of the role play.  While a hunt has no time limit, these clearance papers are time limited but renewable. 


If Hunt Clearance papers are not in order, an Assassin might possibly (on the discretion of those at the gates) not be allowed into the city.  In such a scenario, even if granted leave to enter, he must relinquish his bow and will not be allowed to wear a mask.



As the scrolls state:


“They have obtained clearances from the administration. They are authorized to enter the depths."

"Members of the black caste, the Assassins," said the pit master.

~Witness of Gor


"It must be opened," said the officer. "The administration has cleared them. They have authorization."

~Witness of Gor



"They will not have their way this day," said the pit master.

"And how is that?" asked the officer.

"Their papers are not in order," said the pit master.

"I see," said the officer.

~Witness of Gor



"Yet none would stand in the way of Kuurus for he wore on his forehead, small and fine, the sign of the black dagger.  When he of the Caste of Assassins has been paid his gold and has received his charge he affixes on his forehead that sign, that he may enter whatever city he pleases, that none may interfere with his work."

~Assassin of Gor







Killers were skilled men to be feared, not to be treated as outlaws.  They have a Caste, purpose, and place in Gorean society and tradition.  However, Killers also have traditions in with the Caste and, as stated above, Assassins AND trainees are required to stop by to make the City's Master Assassin aware of their presence.  This is a form of respect that is shown to the Master Assassin of the City before one begins a hunt or a trainee task.


Assassins may enter the City fully disguised if that is their desire. 


Assassins in the black clothing of their caste and wearing the black dagger on their forehead, and presenting Hunt Clearance papers will not be required to disarm, remove their helmet, mask, hood, or otherwise disrobe beyond showing that they wear the mark.  The guards MUST allow them access to the City, but that does not mean that the Assassin will not be watched, and the Citizens will likely be very distrustful. They will be granted the following considerations:


* Passage through the city gates, to be left alone to do their work without undue interference.


* Bypass of the 30 minute rule, to be able to attack the target whenever opportunity allows without prior warning.


* Bypass of the requirement for multiple posted emotes in order to kill the target; a single post emote of the act (containing three or more sentences) will suffice.  This includes killing any who try to intervene following your initial kill post.  Note that these should be well written emotes.  Basic "one-liners" and/or hot key kills are considered unacceptable.  (A sentence consists of 10 or more words.)


* Once a weapon is drawn for the initial assassination attempt, an Assassin can be attacked and waylaid as usual.






Assassins may do their research on their target while fully disguised.  They must have IC knowledge of their target that they have learned during three separate visits on three different days by role playing in the City with Citizens.  Tag reading and mini maps, radar, or profile reading are all invalid forms of information gathering.


All hunts must take place over a period of 3 real life days. that period begins when the assassin does show his "Mark"  at the city gates.


Multiple Assassins are welcome to hunt here, some of our targets are not easy to hit, and if it takes 22 men to do the job, bring it, but beware of looking foolish, with too much overkill. 


Assassins preparing to make their final strike, will wear the mark of the dagger visibly and will be dressed in the full black livery of the Black Caste.


When the Assassin makes their kill, they must emote wearing the mark before their target, and before a weapon is drawn.  The Killing blow must be three or more sentences in an emote (of at least 30 total words) before the kill is effected. 


Once weapons are engaged, anyone near enough to have been aware of what happened, is free to act in protection of a citizen.  They must be able to see this visually or hear this in chat; IMs and/or group chats are not a reasonable means to ask for help and will be considered cheating and will invalidate such assistance.


Once the target is slain, the Assassin must depart the sim from a standard departure point,  If the Assassin is captured or killed on his way to the exit, that does not automatically invalidate the Kill Phase, assuming everything else would have been otherwise valid.  Teleporting out will result in an automatic capture, stripped, searched and imprisoned and most likely death.


The Assassin (and his client) are not required to recognize any further IC interaction  No subsequent IC reprisals coming directly from the target back to the Assassin and/or client or vice versa will be honored.





May be hired for guard duty, messenger service, armed escorts, etc, this is above and beyond the private contract between the Leader of the City and the Assassin.  Citizens may also hire the Killers to carry out personal contracts on others not of this city. 


Some Assassins of Turia present themselves in disguise.  Tag reading, profiles, or other OOC means to connect the always ICly secretive Killer with the cover persona will not be considered a valid means to identify the cover persona as a Killer.





Assassins were not popular men, most people would be uncomfortable having a serial killer over for supper.  To be taken for such by the populace would not be a normal choice.  Goreans were proud of their Caste, and generally dressed in such a way that it took no effort for anyone to realize what Caste they were.  Warriors and Mercenaries would find it rather objectionable to be looked at and thought of as an Assassin, even if it was just because they think black looks cool.  The rivalry between Assassins and Warriors is one of long standing, and Assassins don't wear the scarlet any more then the Warriors wear the Black. 


Visiting free men who are dressed in what appears to be all black especially if hooded, helmed, and or masked should be treated as an Assassin, Outlaw or impostor depending on the nature of the RP. 


There are harsh punishments for those who would impersonate another caste.  Those who are discovered to be impersonating members of the Black Caste could face enormous consequences for such actions including torture and/or death.









All Assassins hunting here should keep a log of their hunt ready to be presented should it be requested by the BC Moderator, and it MUST be turned over on conclusion of a hunt.  All of it should be there including the hire ((client name removed)).


Missing logs or poor rp or failure to abide by the above rules may cause your RP to be invalidated, and possibly ruin months of work.  Major violation(s) or abuse(s) of the rules may result in banning. 


Misuse or counterfeit of Clearance Papers may revoke all future privileges to visit or hunt.  OOC disputes that are couched as IC RP, will likely be invalidated and the offending parties risk sim bans if a track record of such OOC harassment can be established. 


All results of the sim Moderators are final. 





Any questions, contact:

Black Caste Master Assassin of Turia;  Dedar (AnderErosGhost)

Black Caste Moderator of Turia



Assassins were known by the color of their clothing and not just the helm and cloak.  Further information on how Assassins were dressed and viewed by others can be found below.





He wore the BLACK helmet of a member of the Caste of Assassins.

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 133



I had noticed that there was among the crowd one tall, somber figure who sat alone on a high, wooden throne, surrounded by tarnsmen. He wore the BLACK helmet of a member of the Caste of Assassins.

Tarnsman of Gor, Page133



I cleared my head as best I could, and into my uncertain field of vision moved a DARK object, which became the BLACK helmet of a member of the Caste of Assassins. Slowly, with a stylized movement, the helmet was lifted, and I found myself staring up into a gray, lean, cruel face, a face that might have been made of metal. The eyes were inscrutable, as if they had been of glass or stone and set artificially in that metallic mask of a countenance.

"I am Pa-Kur," said the man.

It was he, the Master Assassin of Ar, leader of the assembled horde.

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 136



“Were it not for the daughter of Marlenus,” said Pa-Kur, his metallic face as placid as the quicksilver behind a mirror, “I would have slain you honorably. That I swear by the BLACK helmet of my caste.”

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 138



"On the highest ground in camp," said Mintar, "near the second ditch and across from the great gate of Ar. You will see the BLACK banner of the Caste of Assassins."

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 175



I dyed my hair black and acquired the helmet and gear of an Assassin. Across the left temple of the BLACK helmet I fixed the golden slash of the messenger. In this disguise I freely wandered about the camp, observing the siege operations, the appointment of the compounds, the marshaling of the troops.

Tarnsman of Gor, Pages 176-177



There, on a hillock overlooking the palisades that rimmed the rampart to the ditch, I saw the wall of BLACK silk that surrounded the compound of Pa-Kur. Inside were the dozens of tents that formed the quarters for his personal retinue and bodyguard. Above them, at several places, flew the BLACK banner of the Caste of Assassins."

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 182



...put on the heavy BLACK helmet of the Assassin...

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 182



Within the first wall of BLACK silk, there was a second wall, but this time of iron bars. Pa-Kur was not as careless about his own safety as I had conjectured. Additionally, overhead I could see lines of tarn wire.

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 183



It was as a warrior of Gor that I arose and donned the BLACK helmet and the garments of the caste of Assassins. I loosened my sword in its sheath, set my shield on my arm, and grasped my spear. My steps were determined when I left the tent. I strode meaningfully to the great tarn cot at the entrance to Mintar's compound and demanded my tarn.

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 190



No one ventured to repel me. All were silent. I wore the garb of the Caste of Assassins, and on the left temple of the BLACK helmet was the golden slash of the messenger.

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 192



He did not enjoy being summoned by an enemy of Ar, and in particular by one who wore the habiliments of the hated Caste of Assassins.

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 192



To them, my presence was unauthorized, and my Assassin’s garb, far from being a safe-conduct, was an incitement to attack.

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 200



The Cylinder of Justice was a lofty cylinder of pure white marble, the flat roof of which was some two hundred yards in diameter. There were about two hundred people on the cylinder roof. I could see the white robes of Initiates and the variegated colors of soldiers, both of Ar and of Pa-Kur's horde. And, dark among these shapes, like shadows, I could see the somber BLACK of members of the Caste of Assassins.

Tarnsman of Gor, Page 204



I opened the leather bundle. In it I found the scarlet tunic, sandals and cloak which constitute the normal garb of a member of the caste of Warriors. This was as it should be, as I was of that caste, and had been since that morning, some seven years ago, when in the Chamber of the Council of High castes I had accepted weapons from the hands of my father, Matthew Cabot, Administrator of Ko-ro-ba, and had taken the Home Stone of that city as my own.

Outlaw of Gor, Pages 21-22



"But I am of the Caste of Warriors," I said, "of a high city and we do not stain our spears for the stones of men not, even such stones as these." The Paravaci was speechless. "You dare to tempt me," I said, feigning anger, "as if I beyond the dreams of a man, were of the Caste of Assassins or a common thief with his dagger in the night." I frowned at him. "Beware," I warned, "lest I take your words as insult."

Nomads of Gor, Pages 20-21



For years the BLACK of the Assassins had been outlawed in the city. Pa-Kur, who had been Master of the Assassins, had led a league of tributary cities to attack Imperial Ar in the time when its Home Stone had been stolen and its Ubar forced to flee. The city had fallen and Pa-Kur, though of low caste, had aspired to inherit the imperial mantle of Marlenus, had dared to lift his eyes to the throne of Empire and place about his neck the golden medallion of a Ubar, a thing forbidden to such as he in the myths of the Counter-Earth. Pa-Kur’s horde had been defeated by an alliance of free cities, led by Ko-ro-ba and Thentis, under the command of Matthew Cabot of Ko-ro-ba, the father of Tarl of Bristol, and Kazrak of Port Kar, sword brother of the same Warrior. Tarl of Bristol himself on the windy height of Ar’s Cylinder of Justice had defeated Pa-Kur, Master Assassins. From that time the BLACK of the Assassins had not been seen in the streets of Glorious Ar.

Assassin of Gor, Page 6



"Yet none would stand in the way of Kuurus for he wore on his forehead, small and fine, the BLACK dagger.

When he of the caste of Assassins has been paid his gold and has received his charge he affixes on his forehead that sign, that he may enter whatever city he pleases, that none may interfere with his work.

There are few men who have done great wrong or who have powerful, rich enemies who do not tremble upon learning that one has been brought to their city who wears the dagger."

Assassin of Gor, Pages 6-7



"Welcome, Killer," said the man, addressing the Assassin by what, for that caste, is a title of respect.

Assassin of Gor, Page 14



"'May I ask, Killer,' asked Portus, 'if you come to make the first killing--or the second?'

'The second,' said Kuurus.

'Ah!' said Portus.

'I hunt,' said Kuurus.

'Of course,' said Portus.

'I come to avenge,' said Kuurus.

Portus smiled. 'That is what I meant,' he said, 'that it is good those in the BLACK tunic are once again amongst us, that justice can be done, order restored, right upheld.'

Kuurus looked at him, the eyes not smiling. 'There is only gold and steel,' said he.

'Of course,' hastilly agreed Portus. 'That is very true.' "

Assassin of Gor, Page 18



"He frightens me," she wept. "He is of the BLACK caste."

"Serve him wine," said he, "or you will be stripped and thrown into a pen of male slaves."

The girl turned and withdrew, then approached again, climbing the stairs, delicately, as though timidly, head down. Then she leaned forward, bending her knees slightly, her body graceful, and spoke, her voice a whipser in my ear, an invitation, "Wine, Master?" as though offering not wine, but herself.....

I looked at the girl. Her eyes met mine, softly. Her lips were slightly parted. "Wine, Master?" she asked.

Assassin of Gor, Page 89



Flaminius looked at me, with a certain drunken awe. Then he rose in his green quarters tunic and went to a chest in his room, from which he drew forth a large bottle of paga. He opened it and, to my surprise, poured two cups. He took a good mouthful of the fluid from one of the cups, and bolted it down, exhaling with satisfaction.

“You seem to me, from what I have seen and heard,” I said, “a skilled Physician.”

He handed me the second cup, though I wore the BLACK tunic.

“In the fourth and fifth year of the reign of Marlenus,” said he, regarding me evenly, “I was first in my caste in Ar.”

Assassin of Gor, Pages 265-269



The man stood in the doorway, in the somber garb of his caste.

"I see you wear the scarlet of the warrior," he said. It was true. I had awakened in the tunic of my caste. The furs had been taken from me.

"And you, my friend," said I, "are clothed now in the proper habiliments of your caste." He wore now, brazenly, the BLACK of the Assassin. Over his left shoulder, looped on a ringed strap, he wore a blade, the short sword.

Beasts of Gor, Page 347



 He seemed slow. But I knew he did not come to his somber garb by any tardiness of action or hesitancy in deed. The training of the assassin is thorough and cruel. He who wears the BLACK of that caste has not won it easily. Candidates for the caste are chosen with great care, and only one in ten, it is said, completes the course of instruction to the satisfaction of the caste masters. It is assumed that failed candidates are slain, if not in the training, for secrets they may have learned. Withdrawal from the caste is not permitted. Training proceeds in pairs, each pair against others. Friendship is encouraged. Then, in the final training, each member of the pair must hunt the other. When one has killed one’s friend one is then likely to better understand the MEANING OF THE BLACK. When one has killed one’s friend one is then unlikely to find mercy in his heart for another. One is then alone, with gold and steel.

    I looked at Drusus.

    The assassins take in lads who are perhaps characterized by little but unusual swiftness, and cunning, and strength and skill, and perhaps a selfishness and greed, and, in time, transform this raw material into efficient, proud, merciless men, practitioners of a dark trade, men loyal to secret codes the content of which is something at which most men dare not guess.

    Drusus was looking at me.

    I kept in mind he had survived the training of the assassin.

Beasts of Gor, Page 358

Turia BC Hunt Request for [Insert SL Name Here]






1.  Rename using your SL name where it says "[Insert SL Name Here]" and remove the brackets.  Do this both in the body of the notecard and in the title of the notecard itself in your inventory.


2.  Fill out ALL sections.


3.  Save the notecard.


4.  Send to: Dedar (andererosghost)





SL Name:



Display Name (if different):



Date that the client hired you:

(*This will be checked against

your hunt logs from the redacted

client meeting when submitted

following your hunt.)



Training verification:

(*Copy of your certificate as well

as the names of those who

trained you and/or a letter of

reference signed by at least two

or more recognized Master

Assassins.  These requirements

are not open for discussion.)



When would you like to arrange an IC meeting to receive your Hunt Clearance papers?

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