Friday, June 24, 2016

Full Raid Rules

TURIA RAID RULES (Quick rules followed by full rules)


Foul language, real-life animosity or threats, and other OOC drama WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. 

OOC Threats/harassment in IM's will earn an automatic 3-day or Permanent Ban at the discretion of sim Admins/ Owners


RATIO - 1:1 +1  (YOU MUST Ask a sim mod or a scarlet of rank for a defender count before raiding or rescuing in Turia.)

There must be at least 2 warriors on sim to raid Turia.

3 Gorean Animals Per Side:  (see full rules for details.)

Ferrying allowed with tarns, ONE passenger at a time.

Raid either the city or the wagons, not both at the same time. 

Turia may send a runner to the wagons for help or if the wagons see Turia is being attacked they may come to help.  Must wait 5 minutes before joining the fight.

EMOTES - gestured emotes are not allowed!  Type it out!

   SELF UNBINDING: 3 lines, 10 words each line.  10 minutes after last binding post.  No self unbind while leashed.
  CUT LOOSE - 1 Line 10 Words with Name of bound person.
   BINDING AND UNBINDING: 3 lines, 10 words each, must name the person being bound or unbound.
   DISARMING - 1 line 10 words per weapon named.  Must name the person in one of the emotes.
   GRAPPLES AND ROPE ARROWS:   3 lines, 10 words per line. Shouted
   LOCK-PICKING: 3 LINES, 10 words per line. No lock picking while bubbled.
  STOP-LOCK PICK - 1 line, 10 words.
   BANDAGING - 1 line, 5 word emote with name of person being bandaged. No bandaging while bubbled or lockpicking.
• DEPARTURE - 1 line, 10 words from the landing point on the road by the plains (which is the same the party landed to begin the raid).  Departure is by wagon/land animal only.  No ships or tarns.
• Leaving with a captive - 1 line, 10 words.  Name of captive and destination must be part of the emote.  Departure by wagon/land animal only.  No ships or tarns.
  No Hog Tie
• NO Free Women, Slaves or GE raiders.
• No jumping, flying, speed enhancers, weird AOs or anything thing else that allows cheating.
• TP point on the land is a 10 minute safe zone, Raid starts when 10 minutes has passed or the attackers advance on the city.
• Meter resets, declining binds or fighting while bubbled will result in an immediate ban.
  No killing mid-raid.  Must wait till after and kill/death rules apply.
• Have a problem?  IM the raid mod NOT the offending player.  No self modding.
• Raids will not be stopped mid-raid without serious cause. 
• Raid mod decisions are final.  No arguing!



1.    REZZING: Ensure your Avatar is Rezzed. No SL ghost clouds are allowed.

2.    SCRIPT COUNTS: Maximum of 100 scripts allowed



    The Upstairs landing is permanent OOC Safe Zone

    The Residential Sim can NOT be raided

    Building platforms are permanent OOC/safe zones

    The landing point is only SAFE for 10 minutes.  



• 1:1 +1 for men

• Kur ratio 3:1 (3 Defenders per kur)

• No more than 3 groups/cities at a time

• Must have 2 warriors in Turia to raid.

• No caps without active Defenders in the city.

• YOU MUST contact a sim mod or a scarlet of rank for a defender count before raid/rescue.

• Men with blades - if attacked inside the walls they can defend themselves.  Visitors won't  be counted in the defender number.

• BTB Cities, Gorean animals as defined in these rules, Kurri and male outlaws (not GE) may raid Turia.

• Panther, Taluna, GE cities, free women, slaves and female outlaws may NOT raid Turia. 



• Raiders may only enter through the 3 main gates (West Wall) or go over the walls.

• A raid may be initiated from within the city walls with no more than 3 raiders inside the gate and only after 30 minutes of valid RP establishing the IC reason for the raid.



• RP scouting of the city and an IC reason to raid is encouraged.  No one would travel hundreds of pasang to Turia just for the purpose of stealing a person alone.  Rob the bank, steal goods, take someone of importance for ransom but do not come in just for the purpose of taking captives.  War is a valid reason to raid.



• One tarn per side

• Ferrying allowed, 1 passenger at a time.

• Must be a war tarn for combat metered for 20 shots, no regeneration allowed.

• No tarn avis or racing tarns

• Only one captive at a time may be taken out via tarn.

• Must be rezzed at the beginning of the raid.

• If the tarn is downed while in the air the tarnsmen is auto-capped, self bind.  Unbind or self unbind rules then apply.

• If the tarnsmen is downed (bubbled) but the tarn is not it is still alive and available for use should the tarnsmen get up again.  Tarn must be landed to remount.




• Must be a weapon that is for sale and causes GM damage.

• Weapons makers may not raid using their own weapons.

• Use only one weapon at a time.

• Wagon people may use bolas for RP but not during a raid.

• See section 8 & 9 for free women and slave specific items.





• May carry hairpins, daggers (not throwing daggers), rocks, capture scent and poison provided it does GM damage.  Slave damage level only.

• Free women are to hide during a raid but may venture out at their own risk to those near them to bandage or bind. 




• Are not allowed to fight in raids.

• May use broom sticks, rocks, fruit, rolling pins, pots and other household items if directly attacked but know that causing any damage to a free person for any reason can get you killed.

• Slaves may not use the same weapons as the free so no daggers, swords, bows, spears or hair pins.

• Slaves also may not use sling shots or blow guns.

• Fighting thralls may protect their owner only or the person they are rented to.  They may not otherwise fight in raids (see city laws for further details.  Section 22)

  Fighting thralls may carry a bow but not a sword or other bladed weapon like a free man may carry.  All other limitations to slave weapons apply.

• Slaves should hide during a raid but may venture out at their own risk to those near them to bandage or bind.



  Turia may send for reinforcements 10 minutes after the raid begins.

  Runners must depart from the landing point on the road outside the gates if leaving the sim.

  A runner can go to the wagons from Turia or from the wagons to Turia for aid as well.  There is only a 5 minute limit for aid from the wagons

• If the wagons witness a raid party heading for Turia, they may choose to help without a runner involved.  They must wait 5 minutes before joining the fight.

• No group calls, IM birds allowed for reinforcements.  Only IC seeing the attack or an IC runner legally leaving Turia.



• Any raider or defender who crashes has 5 minutes to return.  If the 5 minutes lapses they may not return to the raid.  If you are asked to leave the raid because of this rule, please TP out without engaging in further combat.

• If on a tarn and crash crossing a sim line, you may log back in within the 5 minute window but may only use the tarn you were on when you crashed.  Under no circumstances may another tarn be rezzed.



• If you go AFK during a raid you are out for the entire raid.  TP off sim.

• If you enter a raid in arena, afk or OOC you must immediately self bind and remain bound for 10 minutes.  No one may unbind you prior to 10 minutes.  Self unbind rules apply after 10 minutes has passed.



• Tharlarian, Kaiila or sleen allowed. (See section 15 for Kur)

• No more than 3 Gorean animals per side (including tarns)

• Must wear a Gorean beast meter.

• Must act, RP and behave like a Gorean beast.

• Beast Weapons:  One scripted claw and one scripted bite allowed.  Evidence of more than that will result in a ban.

• Beast claw damage 40%, bite damage 15%


15.  KURII

• Raid ratio is 3:1 (3 defenders to 1 Kur)

• Kur weapon allowed but only kurii can use them.

• Beast meter required.



• Must leave the sim from the same place the raid party arrived which is the landing point on the road outside the city.

• See quick raid rules for specifics on emotes required.



• Must be at least 2 warriors on sim to take captives in a raid.

• Minimum 60 minutes between end of raid and rescue

• Captives may not be taken from Turia during a rescue.  Come get your captive and go if you win.  Feel free to steal goods though.

• See quick raid rules for emote requirements for departing with a captive.  Name of captive and destination must be listed to be valid.

• If multiple groups are raiding, only one group may take captives and only to one place.  Must be a raidable BTB Gorean sim.

• If you are captive in Turia then you are captive till a rescue attempt is successful, you escape or your capture limit in your profile expires.


18.  Moderators

  Issues should be brought to the raid mod, not discussed between raiders and defenders.

• Raids will not be stopped mid-raid without serious cause.

• Meter resets without approval, declining binds or fighting while bubbled will result in an immediate ban.

• Verbal abuse towards a raid mod will not be tolerated.  This includes but is not limited to insults, name calling and refusal to follow their requests.

• Raid mods will not participate in the fighting.

• Combat logs are required if you are reporting a raid issue to the mod.  Full date/time stamp required, including seconds.

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