Friday, June 17, 2016

Scribe Meeting -- 20160616

  • High Magistrate Ajah has moved away from Turia. Approved candidates are Juvana, Skylar, myself, and Joyce (who is going to be an advocate).
  • Ales working with Scarlets/Raius
  • Alliances in white scroll case on 1st floor of scribe building.
  • Forms in black scroll case.
  • Judicial forms in 2nds black case.
  • Read all scribe & city notices.
  • Visiting women are to be escorted at ALL times in the city.
  • Juvana on vacation June 17-24.
  • Send caste code suggestion to Juvana
  • Do NOT give docs out with FULL permissions after you put your seal on them.
  • New laws are out.
  • Make sure you have all the current laws and forms.

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