Friday, June 24, 2016

Gate of Turia

We know that waiting at the gate for someone to answer it can be frustrating at times but it's a necessary evil.

Turian free men can open the gates for anyone, however that doesn't mean they will let everyone in.

Slaves can't open the gates at all.  Although if one comes I'm sure they'd be happy to chat with you while you wait or run to see if anyone is available to come.

Free Women may open the city gates to permit in Women and Slaves, but direct them to go to a trade gate to be allowed within, do not open the main center gates. However if there is a Free man in the group, find a free man to permit entry or deny it.

Keep in mind, if no one is on gate duty when you arrive that others may need a bit of time to RP out of the conversation they are in.  Ringing the bell over and over again is more likely to get you a grumpy person answering the call rather than a friendly one.

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