Friday, June 24, 2016

Quick Raid Rules of Turia


Foul language, real-life animosity or threats, and other OOC drama WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. 

OOC Threats/harassment in IM's will earn an automatic 3-day or Permanent Ban at the discretion of sim Admins/ Owners

RATIO - 1:1 +1  ( YOU MUST Ask a sim mod or a scarlet of rank for a defender count prior to Raid or Rescue in Turia.)

There must be at least 2 warriors on sim to count as a raid.

 3 Gorean Animals Per Side: Thalarian, Kaiila, Sleen or Tarn (see full rules for details.)

 Ferrying allowed with tarns, one passenger at a time.

 Raid either the city or the wagons, not both at the same time. 

 Turia may send a runner to the wagons for help or if the wagons see Turia is being attacked they may come to help.  Must wait 5 minutes before joining the fight.

 EMOTES - gestured emotes are not allowed!  Type it out!

    SELF UNBINDING: 3 lines, 10 words each line.  10 minutes after last binding post.  No self unbind while leashed.
  CUT LOOSE - 1 Line 10 Words with Name of bound person.
   BINDING AND UNBINDING: 3 lines, 10 words each, must name the person being bound or unbound.
   DISARMING - 1 line 10 words per weapon named.  Must name the person in one of the emotes.
   GRAPPLES AND ROPE ARROWS:   3 lines, 10 words per line.  Shouted
   LOCK-PICKING: 3 LINES, 10 words per line. No lock picking while bubbled.
  STOP-LOCK PICK - 1 line, 10 words.
   BANDAGING - 1 line, 5 word emote with name of person being bandaged. No bandaging while bubbled or lockpicking.
• DEPARTURE - 1 line, 10 words from the landing point on the road by the plains (which is the same the party landed to begin the raid).  Departure is by wagon/land animal only.  No ships or tarns.
• Leaving with a captive - 1 line, 10 words.  Name of captive and destination must be part of the emote.  Departure by wagon/land animal only.  No ships or tarns.
  No Hog Tie
• NO Free Women, Slaves or GE raiders.
• No jumping, flying, speed enhancers, weird AOs or anything thing else that allows cheating.
• TP point on the land is a 10 minute safe zone, Raid starts when 10 minutes has passed or the attackers advance on the city.
• Meter resets, declining binds or fighting while bubbled will result in an immediate ban.
  No killing mid-raid.  Must wait till after and kill/death rules apply.
• Have a problem?  IM the raid mod NOT the offending player.  No self modding.
• Raids will not be stopped mid-raid without serious cause. 
• Raid mod decisions are final.  No arguing!

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