Friday, June 24, 2016

Turia, Alternate Avatar

This is a VOLUNTARY Application and by no means is it required.  Alts ARE permitted in Turia without any one's permission or knowledge.  And it is against LL's TOS to reveal anything about another member of SL including Real Life details as well as their Alternate accounts.


The purpose of this form is to:

A.   Alert the sim Admins  (Alexis/ MsSins & Cyrus/rhetorrix) that the character is not a permanent resident of Turia in need of Housing and that they may need any assistance in props.

B.  Create disposable characters that can have ANY outcome up to and including death conclude it's chapter in Turia.

C.  Give a main player a chance to do something OTHER Than the role they have been RPing for the past  (insert a #) of years in SL Gor.



Alternate Character Rules:


1.  Avatars should be in different roles.  Some exceptions will be made for this but never may you have a slave and a Free avatar where you own yourself.


2.  Characters must not mix IC knoweldge.  Finding out on one character does not mean you know it on another and using the excuse "oh so in so told me" is not acceptable.  This is metagaming and will not be tolerated.  Avatars who metagame between characters will end up with all known characters in Turia banned.




By voluntarily submitting this form you understand that the information shared within will be shared between Alexis and Cyrus.


Primary Avatar SL Name:


Secondary Avatar SL Name:


Character's Name:


Character's Role/ Caste:



Will you Need props put down about the sim(s)?



What is the furthest out come you have in mind for this character?


Low Risk - such as thievary?


Med Risk - Battle, incarcerated / up to fined or thrown out?


High Risk -  Death/  Impalement/ Trials?




This Application is only to go to MsSins Resident OR Rhetorrix Resident.

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