Friday, June 24, 2016

Turia Animal Avatar Rules



First off ALL Avatar Gorean Animals need approved by MsSins Resident PRIOR to joining the city.


Gorean animal avatars are welcome in Turia providing they follow the rules below.


We are a BTB Gorean sim and expect all animals wishing to join to provide BTB proof of their existence.


Below are the rules and restrictions for animals in Turia.  Failure to comply will result in ejection and possible ban depending on the infraction and is up to the moderator dealing with the situation.


GOREAN ANIMALS ONLY, no wolves or kaibas (that is an onlineism) however giani, jits, larts and many more are an example of animals that can be role played here.


All animal avatars are required to wear a beast meter, even if you play a non-combative animal.


Kaiila are common out on the plains but should not be roaming the city streets without a handler.  There are pens provided by the Tavern and Southern Trade Gate.


Larls, sleen and Kaiila may have One scripted claw at 40% damage and one scripted bite at 15% damage allowed.


Giani, larts, jits and urts may not wear claws but may bite with 15% damage.


The majority of animals in Gor were wild and should be role played as such.  There were some examples of domesticated animals but not many.  Keep it realistic.


Before entering Turia as an animal you must contact a sim administrator and get permission to play on the sim.  This is more to make sure you are playing a BTB animal and to allow the moderators to be able to educate the players on sim if you are playing a lesser known one.  Its hard to get people not to cry invalid if they’ve never heard of you.  It also keeps you from being ejected under suspicion of griefing, we see a lot of griefers come on sim as animals.

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