Introduction to Turia - Laws of the City of Turia

NO OOC permitted unless a Moderator/ Sim Admin or Sim Builder. Once you land on sim ground your GM meter needs to be combat ready and attached.
                     MUST BE 18 OR OLDER - NO EXCEPTIONS
ALL avatars must be gorean, dressed gorean. ANY gesture-bators / annoying sound clips players, dancers/music players of modern earth music, and general ass hats will be fed to the Kaiila or sleens at our amusement.  No child Avi's, no baby talking /Age play RP  permitted.

􀀄When you finally reach Turia, this is what you should expect
From the Books of Gor: You can find many references to Turia in Nomads, Hunters,  Marauders, Guardsman, Slave Girl of Gor, etc..
"Turia is a city of the far south, below the equator. It lies in the lands of the Wagon Peoples. There is little water closer to it than a thousand pasangs."
"Hunters of Gor" Page 43
One thousand pasangs, from the Carticus River as well as the southern Thassa Sea.  Little to no water,  the journey is long, - arduous - dangerous and dry.   Such journey not undertaken  lightly -   five to eight hands to reach Turia from just the Sardar Mountains is one estimate. The plains are the domain of the proud and fearsome wagon people and perhaps a few outlaws who have escaped their attention,. Treeless, the hunting ground of creatures such as the sleen or kaiila, which can attack with little or no warning.
The wagon caravans are long winding things that at a distance could resemble a serpent or earthen train, as wagon after wagon rolls gingerly across hard packed rutted road pulled by great beasts. And whether one comes from the Thassa shores or crosses the Carticus River, all routes lead to the same place, Turia.  Mercenaries, Merchants, Tarnsmen, Thalarion Calvary, all accompany these caravans of trade goods both to and from Turia.  Whatever the merchant's coin may buy to reach the safety of Turia's high walled City. Yet, it is not always a guaranteed safe passage, as the numerous bandits roam and may catch an unaware caravan by surprise more often than not.
"Turia the high-walled, the nine-gated, was the Gorean city lying in the midst of the huge prairies claimed by the Wagon Peoples. Never had it fallen."
"Nomads of Gor" page 1
You will see high white walls, aged but strong, with many gates surrounding and enclosing the entire city.  Each gate on the outer walls is manned by guards who will require you to leave your bow at the gate and you will pay a copper tarsk fee to enter the City of Turia.  Archers may patrol the walls, at times merely stand about, gazing over the plains and caravan's approaching below.  Thalarion Calvary can often patrol the streets, as can guards, scarlets and defenders. Be wary when trying anything illegal within our walls, we notch ears.
I expect you are tired, worn and weary, as our dust storms are often and harsh on one's eyes, skin and lungs. You will see many here covered more than other places, for protection against sun and the plain's cold nights. You may need water, we have it of course, and it will cost you. You may need a bath, we have glorious bath houses within our walls, ask for one. If it is here on Gor, it can be found, most often, in Turia.  Supplies depending on Merchant's arrival and delivery of goods, but you will not starve within our walls.

             ----------- Original City of Turia's History -----------------

Never had it fallen...
Until Kamchak, and that was 2,000 gorean years before today. Give or take a few hands.  Turia has risen once more, warily we gather, we repair and we rebuild.  Wars had torn it down, lives had been lost, and many had moved on until the millions of people because a mere million. The trade caravans had stopped, and for awhile it was a much harsher and harder living to be survived than most Turian's were used to.  But these glorious walls have stood and will continue to stand for many more generations that even our great great greatest of grandchildren's children will still see the beauty of Turia standing tall and proud.
It was not done easily, the Ubar's son was thought lost at sea, and in the City of dust.  Held in the hull of a Pirate ship for a few years, he manned the oars. The first chance Cyrus Kabasilas was given to escape, he seized it and did not stop to look back.  He wanted to go home, but his home was not as he expected, not how it was when he had left that fateful day years before, for Ahmas Cairn.
Many do not know the whole story, and to tell it here would most likely hinder much needed rest of a weary traveler. Needless to say, Cyrus possesses Turia's Home Stone, the Ubar's pendant and lain claim to his birth right. He is now Turia's administrator and in times of war, our Ubar. You will not know him on sight, and he will not often talk of himself or his past. However he welcomes you to our City, be you of low birth, of far lands or a peddler of much needed goods,  Welcome to Turia!

"Turia is a city of the far south, below the equator. It lies in the lands of the Wagon Peoples. There is little water closer to it than a thousand pasangs."
"Hunters of Gor" Page 43
With this in mind, when you come to Turia ICly, when you do finally arrive you will be worn, weary and dirty from the trail.  Any Enemy City would need to plan well, for the logistics of the journey demand a fair amount of Role Play to satisfy. Smaller raider parties on the other hand may travel from closer quarters, or travel lightly, relying on speed to over come logistics.. Turia is any where from one million people, up to three million people strong. larger Invasions would need a very well stocked force to over take this great city., keep that in mind.  Please see the Raid Rules for Turia before coming at us.

 Raid Rules: 􀀀
Quick Raid Rules - This is just a brief synopsis of Turia's raid rules.  You must read ALL the rules before beginning.
Foul language, real-life animosity or threats, and other OOC drama WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. 
OOC Threats/harassment in IM's will earn an automatic 3-day or Permanent Ban at the discretion of sim Admins.
OOC Mod policy: All players on this sim are adults and are responsible for their own OOC issues.  If you have an OOC issue with another player you can mute them, file an abuse report or whatever you deem necessary. But this is a personal issue and should not be brought to the administration. Do not ask the Admins to read logs and take sides. It is a personal issue that should be dealt with privately.
IC Mod policy: All players are adults. IC issues will be handled IC unless rules are being broken. If rules are broken the offender may be suspended at the discretion of the Admins. There will be no modification of individual story lines.
Public OOC conflict: There is a zero tolerance policy in effect for public OOC conflict, including insults or conflicts in group chat. If a mod is notified when the conflict is happening there will be an immediate role play suspension on the sim of the person or parties involved, including both the instigator and respondent. If the Mods are notified afterwards, there will be a 24 hour suspension from the sim of all parties who are disrupting role play. There will be no negative public disruptions of role play.
Ejection/Suspension: Admins reserve the right to eject anyone they perceive as disruptive to RP without warning or explanation, or role play suspend such a person as long as they deem necessary to maintain a stable environment that fosters role play for everyone.
NOTE: The sim is NO SPLASH. Only direct hits count.
NOTE: Physicians of Gor were not attacked by raiders, as they are our healers. Thus in a raid, as long as a raider does not attack a Physician, the physician will not attack a Raider. Raiders are NOT TO attack and down any Turian Physician. Physician's are to remain indoors and out of the combatant's way.

Before the Raid
1.    Rezzing
2.    Script counts
3.    Safe zones
4.    Raid Ratios
5.    Who can raid
6.    Where to start
7.    Scouting
8.    Reason for raid
9.    Weapons rules

Once the Raid starts
1.    Leaving the raid TP zone
2.    Reinforcements
3.    Crashes
4.    Calling for aid
5.    Use of Tarns
6.    Use of other Gorean animals
7.    Kurii
8.    Mod issues
9.    Self-unbinding, binding, and aiding
10.    Grapples, and Rope arrows
11.    Lock-picking
12.    Knowledge of Safe Rooms

Departure from raid
1.    Prisoners
2.    Rescues
3.    Calling for aid by Turia
4.    Time between raids

1.    REZZING: Ensure your Avatar is Rezzed. No SL ghost clouds are allowed.
2.    SCRIPT COUNTS: Maximum of 100 scripts allowed
•    The Upstairs landing is permanent OOC Safe Zone
•    The Residential Sim can NOT be raided
•    Building platforms are permanent OOC/safe zones
•    The landing point is only SAFE for 15 minutes.  
Raid ratio is 1 to 1 plus 1.  This means 1 defender of the City to 1 raider plus one extra raider in the party.  (Will review this later)
==>    NO more than 3 groups/Cities at a time.
==>    NO taking caps with out warriors in the city.

Raid ratio is 3 Defenders to 1 Kuri.
Any Other Animal - Seek A MOD for Approval.
- Check with a member of the Scarlet Caste or a Sim Moderator for a defender count)
- Free Men with blades - if they are attacked within the City walls, they can defend themselves.
- Male protection slaves - can defend themselves and their owners. - See slave Laws for further details.
•    Inside the city: Outlaws, Free Men, Gorean Animals and the Kurii
•    Outside on the plains only: Panthers and Talunas
•    Who CANNOT raid: Free Women and slaves
    Raids can only be initiated from the landing area (plains)... starting from anywhere else will invalidate the raid. Raiders must use the main road into the city.  The Trade Road and Trade Entrance are for RP purposes only and are off limits to raiders.  (Central Gate is Main Gate)
  - 6A Notwithstanding rule 6 above.. a raid consisting of no more than three warriors may be initiated from anywhere within the City after a roleplay time of 30 minutes in duration has elapsed. The Roleplay MUST establish an IC basis for the attack..

Role play scouting the city before the raid begins. You must have a reason to raid.
•    Valid reasons to raid the city would be to get GOODS such as food, supplies, or wine, or even to rob our bank or tavern.
•    You are NOT TO RAID with the SOLE PURPOSE of taking CAPTIVES without a specific Role Play Reason such as attacking the city in order to capture a specific person. 
•    Alternately, if you are a Slaver making a quick strike attack in order to snatch up a random woman, it would not constitute a full raid but fall under a Role Play scenario and is subject to rule 6A above.

•    You are NOT allowed to use a weapon that is not for sale.  Anything that causes METER DAMAGE must be a weapon that is SOLD in order to be used.  Furthermore - it must meet GM regulations of a proper weapon. 
•    No Weapons Maker may use his own weapon.
•    NO DUAL WEAPONS: No using more than one weapon at the same time
•    Splash  ==>    Only direct hits count. The sim is NO SPLASH.
WAGON PEOPLE of the PLAINS ONLY may use BOLAS during RP. However they may NOT be used during a raid.
FREE WOMEN OF THE CITY OF TURIA may use hairpins, daggers (Not Throwing Daggers), rocks, capture scent, poison, and GM METER Tassa Pins etc. but only in defense of themselves. FW can also use slave weapons but if they do, only slave range weapons can be used.
If your character cause any damage of any sort to a free person for any reason you may be killed!!
==>    Fighting kajiru/slave boys are allowed to protect their owner & their home only.  Only their owner - not the city!
==>    Slaves are not allowed to fight - except in defense (of their owner or home) or when being used in the arena.
==>    Only weapons that can be used by slaves are broom sticks, rocks, fruit, rolling pins, pots, towels, pelting wine goblets/vessels, muffins, house hold items that are not Free used weapons such as knives, swords, bows, or pins.
==>    Weapons FORBIDDEN for slave use:  blow gun, sling shots (non-Gorean weapons) and such, no bladed weapons or bow type weapons.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A slave hurting a free, even in defense of their owner's home, can be slain. slaves fight in defense at their own risks. Slaves are not required to be loyal to their owner's home Stone. Slaves are property ONLY. IF a slave hurts a free with a weapon of any sort, they will be able to be punished, even slain.

1.    LEAVING THE LANDING ZONE: Once 15 minutes has passed or raid force moves in to engage the city / fires a shot or hits someone, the raid is under way. 
ONLY after the start of the Raid, can the Call for Aid and Reinforcements be done. A runner for aid must make it off Turia sim and onto an ally to properly be called in to Aid. No group calls for aid is permitted.
3.    CRASHES : If a person crashes they must relog within 15 minutes.  If 15 minutes elapses then they must step out of combat. They must TP out from landing point without further engagement.
•    BIRDS - No birding is allowed but actual player (Free & slave) runners are. RP of the event may be used.
•    People CANNOT join in until 15 Minutes AFTER the raid has started.
        5A - Tarns are allowed on City Sim, One Per Side.
        5B - Ferrying allowed
•    Those that PLAY Animals
==>    Animals in combat (non attachments) - Thalarions OR Kaiila - 3 per side.  Please be realistic here. 
(Any other Animal - Seek Mod Approval.)
==>    ALL beasts must be METERED using the proper GM Beast Meter
==>    ONLY GOREAN BEASTS are recognized on this sim.
==>    You must act, RP and behave like a Gorean beast. 
==>    Remember if you are a pet outsiders may not know that and you risk being attacked, you are after all a beast, in which case you can defend yourself. 
•    Beast Weapons:
==>    ONE (1) Scripted Claw and ONE (1) Scripted Bite is allowed
==>    BEAST CLAW DAMAGE: 40% - BITE DAMAGE - 15 %
•    Kur may use Kurii weapons
•    Raid ratio is 1 Kur to 3 men.
  7A - Herlit Allowed (non attachments)
  7B - Sleen Allowed (non attachments)
8.    MOD ISSUES - Combat Moderators
•    RESETTING OF METERS:  NO RESETTING OF METERS WITHOUT MOD APPROVAL. Resetting of the meter WITH OUT approval of the mod will result in a subsequent punishment.
•    SELF-MODDING: NO SELF MODDING - Mods directly involved in combat may not self-moderate and reset with out approval of an impartial moderator. Failure to comply will also cause the relevant punishment.
•    SELF UNBINDING: 3 lines, 10 words each line and ONLY AFTER 10 minutes of being bound.
•    BINDING AND UNBINDING: 3 lines, 10 words each.
==>    Disarming - 1 line per weapon, 10 words.
==>    Must mention each weapon and may be part of the bind post.
==>    No blanket disarms (e.g. /me searched the person over for weapons and removes any they he/she finds. Will not be accepted as a disarm.)
Use of Grapples and Rope Arrows is allowed only on the main sim, not on the Residential Side. Grapples with climbing animations only can be used.
•    GRAPPLES AND ROPE ARROWS: 3 lines, 10 words per line. May be asked to present RP proof of grappling RP.
11.    LOCK-PICKING: 3 LINES, 10 words per line. No locking picking from a bubbled / downed state.

Departure from raid (With or Without Captives):
1.    LEAVING - Must be done on the entry point platform that you came in on, and must be role played departing - 10 words, 1 line.  We have no ships here. The way to and from Turia are by Wagons, Thalarions and Kaiila. Nor by Tarn, but be by wagon /ground travel.
•    Please ensure you leave IC knowledge of the attack and destination if you take one of our citizens or slaves.
•    This is a City of 3 Million people By the Books. Expect that your exit and retreat will be monitored.  Each Member of the City (Free or slave) would be tracked using tracking sleens and Warriors from the City will come hunting. 
•    Other Warriors and Scarlet allies would be on the trade routes and word will spread in regards to the missing or taken.  War Ships of Turia and Merchant ships are on the seas of the Thassa and the Vosk, and they too would be on the look out.
3.    RESCUES: Cap or rescue time is 1 hour from time of Departure. Unless otherwise pre-determined between captor and captive, Notify an Admin / ranked Rarius if longer than 1 hour.
•     BIRDS - No birding is allowed but actual player (Free & slave) runners are. RP of the event may be requested at the discretion of the admins or commanders.
•    People CANNOT join in until 15 Minutes AFTER the raid has started.
•    ROLE PLAY NOTE: The City of Turia's Allies would be stationed along the trade routes that would be between the City of Turia and other Cities/Villages/Camps within the surrounding areas.  They would protect the routes and hence, ICLY, our Allies can be near by, for us to call for aid, if needed.

 Quick Raid Rules: 􀀃
This is just a brief synopsis of Turia's raid rules.  You must read ALL the rules before beginning.
Foul language, real-life animosity or threats, and other OOC drama WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. 
OOC Threats/harassment in IM's will earn an automatic 3-day or Permanent Ban at the discretion of sim Admins/ Owners
OOC Mod policy: All players on this sim are adults and are responsible for their own OOC issues.  If you have an OOC issue with another player you can mute them, file an abuse report or whatever you deem necessary. But this is a personal issue and should not be brought to the administration. Do not ask the Admins to read logs and take sides. It is a personal issue that should be dealt with privately.
IC Mod policy: All players are adults. IC issues will be handled IC unless rules are being broken. If rules are broken the offender may be suspended at the discretion of the Admins. There will be no modification of individual story lines.
Public OOC conflict: There is a zero tolerance policy in effect for public OOC conflict, including insults or conflicts in group chat. If a mod is notified when the conflict is happening there will be an immediate role play suspension on the sim of the person or parties involved, including both the instigator and respondent. If the Mods are notified afterwards, there will be a 24 hour suspension from the sim of all parties who are disrupting role play. There will be no negative public disruptions of role play.
Ejection/Suspension: Admins reserve the right to eject anyone they perceive as disruptive to RP without warning or explanation, or role play suspend such a person as long as they deem necessary to maintain a stable environment that fosters role play for everyone.

•    Valid reasons to raid the city would be to get GOODS such as food, supplies, or wine, or even to rob our bank or tavern.
•    You are NOT TO RAID with the SOLE PURPOSE of taking CAPTIVES without a specific Role Play Reason such as attacking the city in order to capture a specific person.
•    Alternately, if you are a Slaver making a quick strike chain luck attack in order to snatch up a random woman, it would not constitute a full raid but fall under a RP scenarios instead of a Raid.

Ratio: One (1) (Attackers/Raiders) to One (1) (Warrior/Defender)  plus One (1) extra raider/ attacker in their party.

(Check a member of the Scarlet Caste or a Sim Moderator for a defender count)
NO Free Women, slaves or GE raiders.
NO SPLASH weapons.
Raid starts when 15 minutes has passed or the attackers advance on the city.
No reinforcements until after 15 minutes from start.
Kurii raid ratio: 1 Kur to 3 men.
Only 3 Gorean Animals per side: Thalarions, Kaiila, Sleen, or Herlit with GM Beast Meter.
(Other Gorean Animals, Check with a MOD before Raiding)
SELF UNBINDING: 3 lines, 10 words each line and ONLY AFTER 10 minutes of being bound.
BINDING AND UNBINDING: 3 lines, 10 words each.
GRAPPLES AND ROPE ARROWS:   3 lines, 10 words per line.
LOCK-PICKING: 3 LINES, 10 words per line.
BANDAGING - 1 line,  5 word emote with name of person being bandaged.

 Approved Weapons List:
The below information is a list of suggested weapons, banned weapons, and approved weapons specs as written by the creators of the Gorean Meter. There is no allowed weapons list, however, it is highly recommended that you use weapons from the suggested weapons list in order to avoid suspicion or weapons tests during raids.
**Note - By entering this sim you agree to be subject to random weapons tests before, during, or after a raid. Failure to comply could result in ejection and banning.
1.) Banned Weapons -
-AC  (Anhandreu Riederer) and yes the G4
**Note - Weapons Makers will not be allowed to use their own weapons! We know all your alts and your tricks to modify your hit reports, guys. We appreciate your work but in KWC you will follow the rules.

2.) Recommended Weapons
**Defensive play is turned on, and encouraged. Shields are allowed, however, shields must be realistic and visible on your avatar. We understand that shield scripts can be placed into prims that aren't shields, and this is against the rules. Don't do it.
Running with your shield script running is also prohibited and will result in a ban.
Any AO that alters the normal effects of normal play is illegal**

***Slave weapons must do slave damage and not have excessive speed. Slave claws, are discouraged for slave use. However, muffins, turnips, and similar slave weapons which operate in the same way as slave rocks are encouraged. Be aware that slaves captured in RP using any weapon, even a muffin, are subject to possible execution. This sim does promote roleplay over such killings, though. Just keep in mind that this is a Gorean sim and crazy female slaves using wolverine claws is unrealistic.
-Elle Erre weapons L.R. (Larion Rhode)
-Infinity (Arcturus Itano)
- Metered Animals (Adoveea Rau)
-VS Designs (Vault Story)
-PL Designs (Patrik Ling)
-Schnyder Creations (Irvin Schnyder)
-Harbinger and Stormey Designs (Navar Harbinger)
-Indigo Lotus (Aphris Karu)
-Outcast Weaponry  (Marcomr2 Zenovka)
-Slip Barrett
-Weapons X (Xero Escape)
-Alika Sao Weaponry
-Tala's weapons (Tala Nagy)
-Stygian Weapons  (Madlax Stygian)
-Ancient Builds (Jake Molinaro)
-Markz (Markz McMahon)
-HG Weapons (Phantum Kabuki)
-EZ Weaponry (Romper Barbosa)
-Andrea Shermer ballistas
-Fatal weaponry  (Samara Collas)
-CW Cryptic Weaponry  (MaliceVieria)
-Gspot weaponry (Homie Kungfu)
-Primus Weapons (Thord Karu)
-Whiplash Weaponry (Susan Whizenhunt)
-Weapons by AN (Alvar Nurmi)
-UGLY Weaponry (Alizee Cerise)
-ViNa Weaponry (Visolela Naidoo)
-Wild Style Weaponry (April Looming)
-Black Widow Weaponry (Zee Heron)
-Jara Creations (Jaraziah Lowell)
-prltidAsa Acorn Belt (Donnatella Calamari)
-SWS Weaponry (Braydon Randt) 
-Weapons by Arueil Dench  (Arueil Dench)
-FX Weaponry (Francesco Xevion)
-DD Weaponry   (Dromar Demonista)
-Cry Weaponry (CryArmory Fang)
-Agni Weaponry (Sindra Aquila)
-VoFhang Weapons Argentum (Lego Antfarm)

3.) That being said, we understand that some weapons have been released that haven't had time to be added to the list. If you are a weapons maker and are interested in your weapons being added to the recommended weapons list send an IM to Rhetorrix Resident, and he will get back to you.
We follow the approved weapons specs that come with the Gorean Meter. This means great weapons are allowed. Please take time to scan the below specs and check the notecard with your weapon to make sure that your weapons comply with the below specs. If your weapon fits into these specs, do not cause lag, and have no exploits or major glitches, your weapon should easily be approved.
Section 1: Bows
Bow/Crossbow (Short Arrow)         0.8 s                            3.5 m (splash)       60 m/s              sword                               arrow / arrow~direct

Bow/Crossbow (Long Arrow)          0.9 s                            3.5 m (splash)       60 m/s              sword                                arrow / arrow~direct

Note that bows have 0.05s additional delay required in hold down mouse button mode, both in long and short range mode.
(note that no such thing as Mouse hold is sanctioned by GM specs for Melee weapons)
Arrow name must clearly show the Long range arrow so it can be recognized as such since there are sims that do not allow use of long.

Section 2: Darts (blow darts)
Blow darts                                        0.6 s                             3.5 m (splash),  max 30 m flight       60 m/s                          sword     dart / dart~direct
NOTE!! Darts may not do damage past 30 meters of flight, guide at bottom of the Gorean Meter Developer Guide document on how to check that

Section 3: Daggers
Dagger, fist weapon                      0.6 sec                      2.35m                        180 degree     sword                               dagger
Dagger, fist weapon                       0.5 sec                        2.0m                        180 degree     sword                              dagger
Dagger (thrown)                               0.9 sec                       3.5m splash   60 m/sec (-0.6arc) sword                              dagger / dagger~direct

Section 4: Swords (SWORDS and SWORDS only go here, this cannot be stressed enough)
Sword                                             0.55 sec                     2.5m                          180 degree    sword                             sword
Sword                                             0.58 sec                     2.6m                          180 degree    sword                             sword
Sword                                             0.62 sec                     2.7m                          180 degree    sword                             sword
Sword                                             0.65 sec                     2.8m                          180 degree    sword                             sword
(Specs in between are all right if calculated correctly like for example 0.60 sec and 2.65 range)

Section 5: Spears
Spear                                                1.4 sec                        3.5m                        180 degree     sword                                spear
Spear                                                1.3 sec                        3.4m                         180 degree     sword                               spear
Spear                                                1.2 sec                        3.3m                         180 degree     sword                               spear
Spear                                                1.1 sec                        3.2m                         180 degree     sword                               spear
Spear                                                1.0 sec                        3.1m                         180 degree     sword                               spear
Spear                                                0.9 sec                        3.0m                         180 degree     sword                               spear
Lance or Polearm                            1.7 sec                        3.8m                         180 degree     sword                               spear

Section 6: Whips
Whip                                                   1.5 sec                       3.6m                          180 degree    sword                              whip    
Whip                                                   1.4 sec                       3.5m                          180 degree    sword                              whip  
Whip                                                   1.3 sec                       3.4m                          180 degree    sword                              whip    
Whip                                                   1.2 sec                       3.3m                          180 degree    sword                              whip    
Whip                                                   1.1 sec                       3.2m                          180 degree    sword                              whip  
Whip                                                   1.0 sec                       3.1m                          180 degree    sword                              whip
Whip                                                   0.9 sec                       3.0m                          180 degree    sword                              whip
Whip                                                   0.8 sec                       2.8m                          180 degree    sword                              swhip  (note the small whip strike here)
Whip                                                   0.7 sec                       2.7m                          180 degree    sword                               swhip  (note the small whip strike here)
Whip                                                   0.6 sec                       2.6m                          180 degree    sword                              swhip  (note the small whip strike here)
Whip                                                   0.55 sec                     2.5m                          180 degree    sword                              swhip  (note the small whip strike here)

Section 7: Axes, Hammers, Clubs, Maces and other such
Axes,Hammers,Clubs, Maces       0.55 sec                     2.5m                          180 degree    sword                             pickaxe
Axes,Hammers,Clubs, Maces       0.58 sec                     2.6m                          180 degree    sword                             pickaxe
Axes,Hammers,Clubs, Maces       0.62 sec                     2.7m                          180 degree    sword                             pickaxe
Axes,Hammers,Clubs, Maces       0.65 sec                     2.8m                          180 degree    sword                             pickaxe
(Specs in between are all right if calculated correctly like for example 0.60 sec and 2.65 range)
Note if its a club, then it better be a mean and serious battle club, if just a normal club then put low damage on it like brooms have.

Section 8: Tiny hammers, like a small blacksmith hammer for one hand
Hammer (Tiny)                                  0.6 sec                       2.35m                         180 degree   sword                             shammer  (note the small hammer strike here)
(Note the strike type on the tiny hammer since it may not do 30% hammer big hammer strike in enhanced melee mode)

Section 9: Great Axe and Great hammers - huge hammers and huge axes
Great Axes / Great Hammers       1.6 sec                       3.3m                         180 degree      great                               axe
No switching stances here, if your weapon is a Great Axe then its always a great axe, and never gets lighter so you can swing it faster. Its up to you
if its a Great Axe / Hammer or not, but it cant be settable in  both great mode and normal.
*Note experimental stats might be subject to change in next versions if you implement Great Axe spec then

Section 10: Depreciated strikes that still work but will be phased out in the coming versions of the meter
Axe or Hammer                                1.4 sec                        3.5m                          180 degree    sword                              axe or hammer
Axe or Hammer (Small)                   1.2 sec                        3.3m                          180 degree    sword                             axe or hammer

Section 11: Low damage weapons
Stones or Larma (throw)              0.9 sec  (1.1bps)       3.5m splash               60 m/sec (-0.6arc)    kick                      slave / slave~direct (5th param)
broom (Slave)                                 0.55~0.65 sec           2.5~3.0m                   180 degree           kick                               slave (5th param)
(Note 5th param is used here for compatibility with other meters, put something that makes sense in 4th, like kick or dagger for other meters)
(Note you may not have 3 meter range and 0.55 delay take the fastest spec then you take the shortest reach or longest range then you take the slowest spec)
Section 12: Other things
Unarmed (Hands / feet)                   0.5 sec                       1.5m                           180 degree         punch or  kick              none
Trap                                                        3.0 sec                                                                                          trap                               none
Ballistas (aimed with selection)     5.0 sec                       3.5m splash               60 m/sec             great                            none
Ballistas (aimed with mouselook) 2.5 sec                       3.5m splash               60 m/sec             great                            none


IC Actions Equal IC Consequences: Familiarize with the Rules of the Sim and Laws of the City.

OOC Sim Rules: 􀀊
                                        ==SIM RULES==

1. GM Meter:
= Ensure you have the latest installment of the GM Meter and that it is Working.
= Ensure Your Script Count is a TOTAL OF 100 Scripts & Less than 5,000K Memory. 
= Keep Your Script Count as LOW AS POSSIBLE - Script counters located at TP points AND at the Gate
 - You may not be able to enter unless you keep under the allotted amount.

2. GENERAL CONDUCT- OOCly be respectful to your fellow players.
- Continued harassment will make you ban-eligible!
- TPing out of capture role play or during active RP, OOC with out a mod's consent or your captor's will result in a sim ban/RP Suspension.
- MOD and Admin decisions are final.
- Griefing - Permanent Ban.

- Resetting of the meter WITH OUT approval of the mod will result in a subsequent punishment.
- NO SELF MODDING - Mods directly involved in combat, may not self moderate and reset with out approval of an impartial moderator.
Failure to comply will also cause the relevant punishment.
OOC Mod policy: All players on this sim are adults and are responsible for their own OOC issues.  If you have an OOC issue with another player you can mute them, file an abuse report or whatever you deem necessary. But this is a personal issue and should not be brought to the administration. Do not ask the Admins to read logs and take sides. It is a personal issue that should be dealt with privately.
IC Mod policy: All players are adults. IC issues will be handled IC unless rules are being broken. If rules are broken the offender may be suspended at the discretion of the Admins. There will be no modification of individual story lines.
Public OOC conflict: There is a zero tolerance policy in effect for public OOC conflict, including insults or conflicts in group chat. If a mod is notified when the conflict is happening there will be an immediate role play suspension on the sim of the person or parties involved, including both the instigator and respondent. If the Mods are notified afterwards, there will be a 24 hour suspension from the sim of all parties who are disrupting role play. There will be no negative public disruptions of role play.  Insulting long winded Thought emotes done repeatedly is considered abuse, DONT DO IT or you may be on a temporary ban.
Ejection/Suspension: Admins reserve the right to eject anyone they perceive as disruptive to RP without warning or explanation, or role play suspend such a person as long as they deem necessary to maintain a stable environment that fosters role play for everyone.

4. Please note:
- Gor is a harsh, brutal world; we expect you to conduct yourself in a mature and responsible manner;and, please monitor your own level of comfort role playing scenes that may have both physical and sexual violence.
Any slave may be punished by ANY free. Compensation may be sought by the slave's Owner, and the compensation must not be in the form of Lindens.
5. NO COPING & PASTING of ANY IM's.  Players shall keep out-of-character (OOC) conversations to a minimum and must use IM. Any RP done in IMs can not and will not be Moderated, do so at your own risk. You may share IMs ONLY with expressed consent IN the text body of the IM card being shared. If it is not granted in the IM session (full time stamps enabled) then you are not allowed to share the IM conversation with a third party.
    5A - Any harassments in IMs will result in punishment and permanent ban.  This is in accordance with LL's TOS. We DO NOT care what your "picks" say, picks and profile comments on IM sharing is not a valid law.
6. Foul language, real-life animosity or threats, and other OOC drama WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
7.  NO FLYING!! (tarns do not count for this rule and (Except OOC Building by Sim/Admin Owner)    
NOTE:  What is GODMODDING? - It is when you perform an action that does not allow for any reaction, counter reaction or avoidance.
Note: Meta Gaming is using OOC knowledge for IC purposes. This includes tag reading, group information,  Information learned on another character. ETC
USE the terms: Attempts, tries to, or adjectives of that nature, to perform when attempting an action against another character.
NO Forced Permanent Death. standard death time is 24 hours after 30 minutes of valid role play.

ADDITIONAL  Role Play Rules:
- OOC - Players shall keep out-of-character (OOC) conversations to a minimum and must use IM.
- All people on the sim outside of the market must be dressed in proper attire for Counter-Earth and only humans and creatures in the books are allowed.
- Please note that it is your right to refuse role-play if someone is acting non- Gorean, or if your RP "Limits" are exceeded. 
- Should you feel uncomfortable or uneasy at any given time during role-play, please contact the person you are role-playing with and explain to them your reasons for wishing to stop. 
- We will not respect limits that are put in place simply to hinder role-play, such as slaves that can not bind you, or slaves that are not allowed by their Owners to be captured, re-collared, punished, or detained.
Unrealistic Limits that go against BTB Gor will not be honored here on Turia's sims.  There are other role plays in SL you can go to if Gor is too harsh for you.

- The Sky Landing Zone - CAN NOT BE RAIDED - it is OOC.
- TP Points on the sim land are safe zones for 10 minutes ONLY.
- OOC on the land - This is an RP sim, so please wear your meter and Interact in open chat In Character (IC)
- You CAN NOT USE the Trade Gate to Raid the city.  Center gate is Main Gate and point of Entry for Raids (if not going over the wall)
 • Exceptions: Moderators (Mods); or, a Mod has asked you to go OOC (please set your meter accordingly).
No other reason is valid. Please maintain IC RP at all other times.


 5.  RP BANS
 - Role-play bans do not mean you can get out of a valid capture or valid role-play. If a situation presents you where YOU personally had RP banned a person OR situation, you have the option of FADING INTO BLACK.
 - If a person you have role-play ban captures you it is valid.  - IF you have Banned them - Option - NPC YOURSELF.
 - You don't have the right to reset your meter or the right to tp, you will be ejected and banned for doing so. 
 - If you have a role-play ban on someone that is a citizen of Turia or any Camp on the sims, you might just want to leave the RP & NPC yourself.

- Ensure there are people in the City and that they can see to the Role Play of this.  Turia is a City  in the books that was noted to be nearly (3) million people. We Role play (2.8million). They may not be present, but it is understood that they are there.
- The setting of fires is permitted.  If you set fires use the touch/die fire  only.   That way they can be extinguished quickly through role-play. 
- Use of any other fire will be invalidated and sent back.
- All settings of fires should be role-played 3 lines minimum for the initial starting of the fire or lighting of the first torch, then 1 line per action of setting a building on fire, etc.

- Any issues not covered in these laws will be left to the discretion of a Moderator to decide if something comes up that we have not taken the time to list here.
- If a role-play must require a Moderator, no Moderator that is involved in the role play is allowed to make decisions.  All decisions of the Moderators are final.
- 30 minutes of RP before kill can be done and must be done with a valid reason. This include slaves and animals. ((This does not Include Duels - See notation below.)) ((This does not Include Marked targets - See BC Rules))
Note on Duels :
- If you are in a duel, you may kill the looser of the duel with out the usual 30 minutes, but only if you state its a duel to the death and its accepted by the person you challenge and as long  as its agreed  upon and its understood OOC and IC the consequences
 IC City Laws: 􀀅
The following has been approved by the High Council of Turia and is in effect immediately.  It is incumbent on all citizens of Turia to be familiar with these laws and to act accordingly.  Ignorance of the law will not be considered an excuse for unlawful behavior.
1.  "There is a saying on Gor that the laws of a city extend no further than its walls." (Outlaw of Gor, p.50) Turia's laws will not be enforced outside the city gates.  Crimes committed outside the walls are subject to Merchant Law and the rule of the sword.  A person or slave wanted for a crime committed against Turian law may be prosecuted at the will of the magistrate should they again be found inside the walls of Turia, even if they have been brought back as a captive.  There is no statute of limitations within Turian civil law.
1.  A person found guilty of stealing the Home Stone of Turia shall be tortured and then boiled to death in oil.  A person found guilty of stealing an individual citizen's Home Stone shall be tortured and impaled.
2.  Any person who publicly speaks of the Home Stone of Turia without first rising to his or her feet may be slain immediately, by any citizen witnessing this crime.  Such an occurrance is subject to magisterial review, and those accused of killing a fellow citizen would be wise to stand while presenting this as a defense.  The penalty for not doing so is, of course, death.
3.  The penalty for any citizen attempting to take a map of Turia out of the city is death by impalement.  Any non-citizen found to be carrying a map of Turia shall be presented to the magistrates.  The penalty for a non-citizen in possession of a map of Turia is death by impalement.
4.  The penalty for making an unauthorized copy of a key is death by impalement.
5.  The punishment for entering the city of Turia without permission is impalement.
6.  The penalty for a slave who strikes a free person is death by impalement, preceded by lengthy torture.
7.  The penalty for a slave who wields any weapon is death by impalement.  Note that a slave may use a razor, knife, axe, or other sharpened tool in the performance of their domestic duties, but should they wield one as a weapon, they would be guilty of this offense.
8.  It is a capital offense for a slave to claim membership in a caste.
9.  The penalty for a female slave who wears the garments of a free woman is death.
10.  On penalty of death, a male slave may not touch a free woman or female slave without permission.
11.  Any person who submits falsely shall be put to death.
1.  Any person found by a magistrate to be guilty of theft shall, for a first offense, have their left ear notched.  Males found guilty a second time shall have their right hand removed.  Females found guilty of a second offense shall be enslaved.
2.  If a father cannot pay his debts, his daughter will be enslaved and become the property of Turia.
3.  If a free woman cannot pay her own debts, she will be enslaved and become the property of Turia.
1.  Citizenship is a privilege, not a right.  Any citizen who refuses to work within their caste shall be stripped of their citizenship and caste.
2.  Any citizen of Turia may adopt any free person upon mutual agreement.  Such legal actions are binding on the entire family, and must be registered with the city.
3.  The head of a household or family within Turia may terminate a family member's citizenship by speaking the Oath of Disownment.  A person who has been disowned loses all connection to their family and caste.  A warrior may take the oath of disownment by swearing on the hilt of his sword.  Any other citizen may take the oath of disownment by swearing on an official symbol of the city, such as a medallion of office or by placing a hand on the Tur Tree.
4.  Any person determined by a magistrate to have falsely claimed membership in a caste shall be subject to fines or enslavement according to the severity of the offense.  The wearing of another caste's clothing or badges is sufficient grounds for conviction.
5.  Any citizen of Turia who wishes to join a caste not his or her own must petition the High Council for approval.  This includes newly freed slaves, regardless of whatever caste they may have claimed at the time of their enslavement.
6.  Any citizen may arrest a person in connection with a crime, but only a magistrate may pass sentence.  Any person who is not a magistrate attempting to pass sentence on a citizen of Turia shall be considered guilty of falsely claiming membership in a caste, and shall be subject to the penalties described in Section III, Paragraph 4 of these laws.
1.  The length of a free companionship shall be one year (three months).  If it is not renewed by the twentieth ahn of the anniversary date, it will automatically dissolve. 
2.  There is no provision for divorce or annulment of a free companionship in Turian law. 
3.  The only circumstances under which a free companionship may dissolve earlier than its anniversary date are when one of the companions is enslaved or dies.
4.  A woman does not change her name in free companionship.
5.  Any children born take on their father's family name.
6.  A person may have only one free companion at a time.
1.  Assassins, when bearing the mark, are permitted entrance without interference.
2.  Members of the Castes of Players, Poets, Musicians, and Singers may freely enter the city.
3.  Heralds, bearing a gold slash on the left temple of their helmet or headgear, are permitted entrance to the city and may not be interfered with by any citizen.
4.  Ambassadors are permitted entrance to the city and carry the same rights as the heralds.
1.  Outside the privacy of their own homes, free women in Turia must wear robes of concealment and opaque veils. Any female citizen of Turia not so dressed in public may be escorted home and presented to the head of her household for correction, or she may be forcibly veiled. Subsequent offenses shall be presented to the magistrates for immediate sentencing without trial.  Penalties may include fines, whipping, or enslavement, according to the severity of the offense.
2.  A woman's veil may not be forcibly removed except by a magistrate prior to enslavement.  Any person who face strips a free woman shall be subject to fines according to the severity of the offense.
3.  Free women are permitted to escape from a captor until they have been legally enslaved.
4.  Capture rights apply to a free woman of Turia only if she has been rescued from captivity outside the walls of Turia.
5.  A free woman, of her own free will, may submit herself as a slave to a specific man.  If he refuses her, she is then still free.  If he accepts her, she is his slave and he may do with her as he pleases.
6.  A free woman who kneels before a man or addresses him as Master is submitting herself to him.
7.  Any free woman who couches with a slave which is not her own shall be enslaved by a magistrate and subsequently become the property of that slave's owner.
8.  A free woman who engages in conduct indicating suitability for the collar shall be brought before a magistrate to determine whether or not she is to be reduced to slavery.  Such conduct includes but is not limited to; committing fraud or theft, indigence, vagrancy, prostitution, indulgence in sensuous dance or movement, spying on a master and slave, disguising herself as a slave or panther, or dressing as a slave. 
9.  No free woman shall be enslaved simply for speaking in an insulting or disrespectful manner.
1.  Any person, male or female, is subject to potential enslavement.
2.  Slaves are considered property and have no rights.
3.  A prisoner, captive, or outlaw is considered a free person until such time as they are legally owned.
4.  To be legally owned, a person must be collared AND branded or have performed a gesture of submission.
5.  Without a gesture of submission, only a magistrate acting within the codes of his caste and the laws of Turia may enslave another citizen of Turia.
6.  No member of the Castes of Players, Musicians, Poets, or Singers may be enslaved within Turia's walls.  They may, however, be arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and executed in accordance with Turian Civil Laws.
7.  A slave must fully serve anyone who possesses her, even a thief or captor.  If a slave attempts to flee her captor, she will be deemed a runaway.
8.  If a lost, stolen, or runaway slave is taken by another person, the original owner has only one hand (five days) to regain his property before legal title passes to the new owner. 
9.  The collar cancels the past.  Therefore, when a person is enslaved, they may not be held accountable for any crimes that were committed while they were free.  Likewise, membership in a family, clan, guild, or caste is forfeit, as is citizenship.  Any property owned by a person prior to enslavement is transferred to the nearest male relative (or the nearest relative, if no male exists), or to a guardian, or to the city, in that order. 
10.  When freed, a former slave is of no Home Stone, caste, guild, clan, or family.  He or she may be accepted into such groups, generally when recognized as such by the head of the family or clan, or in the case of a caste, guild, or Home Stone, when recognized officially by the High Council of Turia.  Property owned prior to enslavement is not automatically restored to the former slave.
11.  A child born to a slave is a slave, and belongs to the mother's owner.  The child's status is determined at birth, not at conception.
12.  It is illegal to sell a slave without permission that is not one's own.  If the seller is male, the penalty is exile.  If the seller is female, the penalty is enslavement.
13.  It is illegal to offer an unbranded slave in a public sale.
14.  It is illegal to forge or falsify slave papers.
15.  Any free person may discipline an insolent or errant slave.  If the slave is injured or killed, the free person need only pay compensation to the slave's master, and then only if requested by the master.  Note that this law does not give any free person the right to kill or maim someone else's slave, it merely states the penalty for doing so.
16.  Slaves may not touch or handle money.
17.  Slaves may not touch or handle official documents.
18.  In legal proceedings, the testimony of slaves may be taken by torture.  This is at the discretion of the court.
19.  Slaves are not permitted in the temple.
20.  A slave may be beaten for laughing at a free woman.

...Citizenship in most Gorean communities is not something accrued in virtue of the accident of birth but earned by virtue of intent and application. The sharing of a Home Stone is no light thing in a Gorean city.
---Slave Girl of Gor, 26:394
- ALL Free must belong to a CASTE if living in the City of Turia.  Seek the Admin for the Caste Listing in the City.
- Let it be known that everyone will be held accountable should they violate any Law of Turia.
- The punishment will vary depending on the offense and intent.
- Any outlaw or thief found within the walls of Turia may be killed on sight or captured and brought before the Magistrate.
- To all residents of Turia: Remember your Caste and it's codes,  your status and your place, or you may be held accountable to the full weight of the law.
- Merchant law is separate set of laws and fully enforced in this city.
- Citizens of Turia, after a period of 1 month, would be called to swear to the Home Stone of Turia.
"Young men and women of the city, when coming of age, participate in a ceremony which
involves the swearing of oaths, and the sharing of bread, fire and salt. In this ceremony the Home Stone of the city is held by each young person and kissed. Only then are the laurel wreath and the mantle of citizenship conferred....
---Slave Girl of Gor, 26:394"
- Home Stone is to be highly respected as this is your HOME. Honor and Law is to be upheld.
1. Voluntary submission
- This is perhaps one of the ways to avoid being killed.   However, if you are killed, you die as a free..

2. Forced enslavement's (Within your Home Stone)
- They are highly frowned upon and at times found to be illegal.
- There are few exceptions to this rule. Forced collaring in general are permitted, providing the Free is presented to the Magistrate, with evidence or supported evidence to show that he or she is to be collared.  Upon the evidence, the Magistrate ruling upon this would be sanctioned. However, if contested, can be brought forth to a Trial and in such, brought to the Admin or Ubar to be contested or to make the final judgment on the matter, in regards to the collaring of the individual.
 Free Woman Laws: 􀀆
OOC Mod policy: All players on this sim are adults and are responsible for their own OOC issues.  If you have an OOC issue with another player you can mute them, file an abuse report or whatever you deem necessary. But this is a personal issue and should not be brought to the administration. Do not ask the Admins to read logs and take sides. It is a personal issue that should be dealt with privately.
IC Mod policy: All players are adults. IC issues will be handled IC unless rules are being broken. If rules are broken the offender may be suspended at the discretion of the Admins. There will be no modification of individual story lines.
Public OOC conflict: There is a zero tolerance policy in effect for public OOC conflict, including insults or conflicts in group chat. If a mod is notified when the conflict is happening there will be an immediate role play suspension on the sim of the person or parties involved, including both the instigator and respondent. If the Mods are notified afterwards, there will be a 24 hour suspension from the sim of all parties who are disrupting role play. There will be no negative public disruptions of role play.
Ejection/Suspension: Admins reserve the right to eject anyone they perceive as disruptive to RP without warning or explanation, or role play suspend such a person as long as they deem necessary to maintain a stable environment that fosters role play for everyone.

Free Women
1.a - Free women of High Caste of Turia are expected to wear Veils. Turia is a high city with a high standard of decorum, Any women of Turia found veilless will be escorted back to their home and kept there until they can rectify the situation. (first offense only)
  - 1.b - All Free women visitors to Turia may dress in their customary attire.
  - 1.c - All Free women are to be escorted when coming to and go from Turia, by a capable man (or NPC guard). Failure to have proper escort can result in many repercussions, but not limited to, collaring, fines, detention.
2. Free Women are commonly treated with respect, courtesy and honor, especially Free Women of high station or Caste. Free Women may often say what they wish, without anyone's permission, and many men will listen to what they have to say. Part of the key is that those Free Men and Women who share a Home Stone have much in common. Thus, they are more apt to listen to the thoughts and feelings of one another. No Free Woman can be forcibly enslaved for showing disrespect to a Man. Free Women have the right to speak their mind, though They should rarely try to insult men. Within the city, Free Women do possess the power of free speech and cannot be legally collared for disrespect, although she can be punished by her FC if He is so inclined.
3. "Conduct indicating suitability for a collar” is defined as when a woman engages in slave-like behavior, such as dressing as a slave, wearing a collar, dancing as a slave for the pleasures of the Free or simply stating that she wishes she were in fact a slave. This also includes entering a tavern or the Warrior's Hall un-escorted or furring a Free Man who is not her Companion. For such offenses the Free Woman can be arrested and brought before the Magistrate. The Magistrate will then adjudicate whether her behavior was sufficient to warrant her legal enslavement. Proof of such activity must be submitted and/or corroborated with other witnesses of the acts. This, however, also means that a man cannot take justice into his own hands and collar a Free Woman who he feels engages in slave-like behavior, unless the Man is her Free Companion. A Free Woman may be legally collared by her Free Companion if she engages in such behavior if he so chooses and will become his permanent property.
4. Free Women may own and operate their own Houses, often Merchant Houses. Their business skills and wealth allow them to possess various degrees of power. Women may own Houses by themselves and wield power through their wealth and status. There are no laws prohibiting their ownership of property or real estate. It is often said that Merchants are power brokers within many cities. Female merchants enter into that equation as well as men.
5. Free Women belong to almost all of the Castes on Gor except the Initiates and Assassins.
6. Free Companionship is the Gorean equivalent of marriage and it is common on Gor. Free Companionship lasts for three (3) Earth months) or One Gorean year,  at a time when it either must be renewed with the wines of love or it will dissolve. The renewal must be performed by the twentieth Ahn, midnight, of the anniversary date. If either party dies or is enslaved, the Free Companionship will also dissolve. It is for the parties to voluntarily choose to dissolve, like a divorce, the Free Companionship prior to the year's end. But, Free Companionship is a very serious matter to Goreans. It is not entered into lightly and seems unlikely that Goreans would see a need to end it earlier than the year's end. There are others who feel differently about Free Companionship. While it is not necessary for the Free Woman to take the last name of the Male it is permitted if both parties do so agree.
7. A Free Woman may engage in a form of limited self-contracting where she legally becomes a slave for a specific time period, that is decided upon by Herself and the other Free Person. She cannot end this contract earlier than the specified time period. Once the contract takes effect, she becomes a slave with no legal powers at all. However, even though the woman becomes an actual slave, she cannot be killed or sold.
8. Any Free Woman who couches with another's slave, or readies herself to couch with another's slave, becomes herself a slave, and the slave of the slave's master. A Free Woman cannot have sex with a slave She does not own. It does not prevent Her from having sex with a slave she does own. It also means that she only has to prepare to have sex with someone else's slave to be in violation. Actual sex is not a requirement. The only time this law is not valid is if the slave is given to the Free Women to use by it's Owner (Written Agreement Must Apply).
9. A Free Woman can sell herself into slavery but once the transaction is completed, it is too late for her to revoke it.
10. If a Free Women kneels before a man and addresses him as Master, this is sufficient to make her a slave. Her actions are interpreted as a gesture of submission.
11. Free Women are permitted to leave their homes without the permission of a male relative or their Free Companion. However, they do so at their own risk.
11a. Free Women entering the City of Turia, Must Role Play having a physical Escort or an NPC (NON-PLAYING CHARACTER) Escort.  Those that enter the City without Role Play at this, runs the risk of being collared in the City of Turia.
12. When sitting, Free Women kneel in what would be considered a tower position. Their hands though lie on their thighs, palms down. Free women maintain good posture while kneeling. Free women do not sit cross-legged as that is only for men. It is considered an insult to men for women to sit cross-legged. Further they don't sit in the positions of pleasure which are for slaves. To do is an act of submission and asking to be collared and could very well end up with the Free Woman as a slave. ((RPing your tower sit is acceptable if this pose is not available.))
13. Free Women may own slaves, both male and female. There are no legal restrictions on their ownership rights concerning slaves.
15a. Voluntary submission
- This is perhaps one of the ways to avoid being killed.   However, if you are killed, you die as a free..
15b. Forced enslavement (Within your Home Stone)
- They are highly frowned upon and at times found to be illegal.
- There are few exceptions to this rule. Forced collaring in general are permitted, providing the Free is presented to the Magistrate, with evidence or supported evidence to show that he or she is to be collared.  Upon the evidence, the Magistrate ruling upon this would be sanctioned. However, the case can be brought to the Admin or Ubar to be contested or to make the final judgment on the matter, in regards to the collaring of the individual.
 Slave Laws: 􀀇
Updated February 13th, 2014

OOC Mod policy: All players on this sim are adults and are responsible for their own OOC issues.  If you have an OOC issue with another player you can mute them, file an abuse report or whatever you deem necessary. But this is a personal issue and should not be brought to the administration. Do not ask the Admins to read logs and take sides. It is a personal issue that should be dealt with privately.
IC Mod policy: All players are adults. IC issues will be handled IC unless rules are being broken. If rules are broken the offender may be suspended at the discretion of the Admins. There will be no modification of individual story lines.
Public OOC conflict: There is a zero tolerance policy in effect for public OOC conflict, including insults or conflicts in group chat. If a mod is notified when the conflict is happening there will be an immediate role play suspension on the sim of the person or parties involved, including both the instigator and respondent. If the Mods are notified afterwards, there will be a 24 hour suspension from the sim of all parties who are disrupting role play. There will be no negative public disruptions of role play.
Ejection/Suspension: Admins reserve the right to eject anyone they perceive as disruptive to RP without warning or explanation, or role play suspend such a person as long as they deem necessary to maintain a stable environment that fosters role play for everyone.

****THIS IS A MUST****
- Ensure you READ the Sim/City Laws of Turia, especially the slave laws of the City of Turia.
- Keep your Script level lower than - 100 scripts running AND lower than 5,000K memory. (Remove resize scripts in hair, clothing, etc.)

(Slave Papers here)
All slaves entering Turia, private or city stock must fill out slave papers completely. This includes an Avi pictures as well as brand pictures if branded.

    a.    All un-collared slaves caught on Turia's land ( City sim / Residential ) must be taken to the slave kennels for processing.  HOWEVER - SEE 1b.
    b.   If the Free decides to keep the slave as his or her own private property, the slave must be registered in the allotted time of Registration. (See below).
    e.    It is the duty of every citizen to capture any unowned slave in the city on behalf of the Ubar's slave house (city kennels)  unless it is a Slaver who captures the slave. In that event, the slave goes to whomever captures him/her.
    a.    All private slaves must be properly registered with the Scribes office within 7 days of admission to the city.
    b.    Slaves in the City longer than 7 days without being properly registered are subject to seizure by the City and may be held in the kennels/cages until their Owner comes to claim them with proper proof of ownership. This period of incarceration will not be negated due to posted no-rp/tp-out times posted in limits.
    c.    Slaves must have a physical exam prior to registration. If exam is delayed due to slave receiving required immunizations as in the case of a barbarian, the 7-day time limit will be extended to accommodate the additional time necessary.
    d.    All slaves should be branded with at least one Free present as witness whom is NOT the owner of the slave.

    a.    Slaves are required to remain inside the gates of Turia unless accompanied by a Turian guard. Any slave found wandering on the plains is to be returned to the kennels and locked up until their owner returns.
IMPORTANT: Any slave captured outside the walls of Turia by the Wagon People will be considered runaways and will not be retrieved by the City. Their owner may choose to attempt to retrieve them on their own but should not expect support from the City.
    b.    All Free Persons are to be addressed as either Master or Mistress unless directed otherwise by their Owner.
    c.    All slaves in Turia must kneel while in service or when instructed to do so. Slaves are required to nadu in the presence of Free Men. The exception is unopened white silk slaves who must tower.
    d.    In public when in the presence of Free Women, slave are commonly required to be more modest. When there are only Free Women present, or when in direct service to a Free Woman, slaves are required to tower.
    e. A slave is expected to greet and offer service (such as a drink) to any Free they encounter, unless they are on an express mission for their Owner. If the Free are talking they are expected to emote their presence and willingness to serve but not interrupt. A slave must wait to be released before leaving the presence of a Free.
    f.    A slave’s behavior is ultimately subject to his/her Owner’s discretion. However, deviation from these norms when said Owner is not present may result in punishment of the offending slave. 
    g.    All Free Men may use any slave as they see fit unless designated a white silk or belted. Damages may be sought if the slave is harmed in accordance to city law.
    h.    White silks and restricted slaves MUST be belted; otherwise, they are deemed fit to serve all as required. Removal of the belt of a white silk slave for use is considered theft from the ownership/Private Slave House.  This person is subject to the laws of the land.

    a.    Slaves possess nothing not given to them by their Owner, including their name. What is given can be taken away. If one is entrusted to carry a name for an Owner, or silks or jewelry, remember that these can be removed as easily as they were given.
    b.    Slaves cannot put down any prim items unless the Admin is notified.  The prims go against the owner's prim allotment.
    c.    Un-owned slaves cannot put down any prim items unless permission is granted by the Admin.

    a.  Slaves are to dress as their Owners’ or the Slaver/Owner of the Private Slave House, sees fit when they are in the presence of their Owners or otherwise.

    a.    Any Free may punish a slave should they be unpleasing.
    b.    Anyone damaging a slave, be it permanent or temporary, can be held accountable and made to pay for damages.
    c.    The price of the payment will be determined by the owner of the slave or, in the case of an un-owned slave, the Slaver of the Private Slave House.
    d. Non-Gorean Personal Limits are not respected here in Turia..

    a.    Slave Owners can be held responsible for their property’s actions, depending on the offense.
    b.    The Slaver is responsible for the actions of slave house slaves.

    a.    Slaves may use rocks or a broomstick to defend their Owner or their Owner's property, but only if their Owner allows it. Slaves may not use anything that looks like a weapon, such as slingshots or sticks that look like boomerangs. If it looks like a weapon, it will be considered a weapon, not a slave-weapon, no matter what the creator called it. Any slave-weapon may only cause slave-type damage. Specifications are included in the Weapons Laws.
    b.    Slaves may not take up weapons to defend the City or someone else’s property.
    c.    The punishment for harming the Free is death, even in the defense of their owner, so actions of a slave should be considered carefully.
    d.    Let it be known that everyone will be held accountable should they violate any Law of Turia. The punishment will vary depending on the offense and intent.

    b.    There must be 30 minutes of role-play leading up to the death.
    c.     Death is NOT PERMANENT in Turia.  Death is 24 hours. You can return as your character with memory loss of the incident, OR, return as a new character with a redesigned storyline.
    d.     Suicide  - slaves do not own anything, including their life.  If a slave kills themselves, they are dead permanently.  Reentry to Turia on another character only available with permission of Sim Admins.
    a.    The Owner of a slave may free said slave only if in possession of valid legal documentation of proof of ownership, such as a valid bill of sale or City registration papers.
    b.    The Freeing of a Slave must be witnessed by at least one other Free Person. 
    c.    The slave that has been granted freedom has one hour of immunity from force collaring to dress as befits their new station as a Free Person. For example, a newly freed woman must be properly gowned and veiled as her new role requires.
    d.    All records of the freeing of a slave must be filed with the Head Scribe’s office within one day of such event or the manumission is considered invalid.
    e.    Since slaves loose their caste when enslaved, newly freed citizens may not automatically go back to their former caste. They must apply to the Head of that Caste and be accepted.
    f.    It is highly irregular for a newly freed slave to be accepted into a High Caste and requires the approval of the High Council.
   a.  If the owner of a slave has not had any contact with their slave (IC Contact/OOC Contact) for more than two weeks, the slave must present to the Scribes office for review of their papers. If the owner has named any secondary owners or heirs, the slave will pass immediately to the designated person.  If no heir is indicated in the slave papers or there are no papers on file with the City of Turia, then the slave's ownership passes directly to the Kennels of Turia. 
    b. If the Owner of the slave dies or is murdered, slave papers are pulled to see if the slave has any secondary owners or the deceased owner left an heir.  If no heir is indicated in the slave papers or there are no papers on file with the City of Turia, then the slave's ownership passes directly to the Kennels of Turia.
    c. If a Free person is enslaved then all property, including slaves owned by that person, pass to the new owner.

    a.  Entry into the following areas without permission by Administration is PUNISHABLE BY DEATH: Warrior's Hall, Temple, Bank Office/Vault

    Read and know the slave paces. They will be your guide to our expectations of a slave's behavior. 􀀋
Q:   What is the common purpose of a collar?
The collar has four common purposes, Master.
First, it visibly designates me as a slave, as a brand might not, should it be covered by clothing.
Second, it impresses my slavery upon me.
Thirdly, it identifies me to my Master
Fourthly, it makes it easier to leash me.
~From Explorers of Gor - Page 80
Q: What are you?
A: I am a slave girl, Master. 
Q: What is a slave girl?
A: A girl who is owned, Master.
Q: Why do you wear a brand?
A: To show that I am owned, Master.
Q: Why do you wear a collar?
A: That men may know who owns me, Master.
Q: What does a slave girl want more than anything?
A: To please men, Master
Q:   What is the duty of a slave girl
A:  Absolute obedience and exquisite beauty, Master.
Q:  What is a girl's first duty?
A:   A girl's first duty is to be pleasing to her Master, in any, and every way Master.
Q:  What rights does a slave have?
A:  None, Master
Q:   Who may punish a slave?
A:   Any free person may punish me, Master.
Q:  When does a slave say "No" to a free person.
A:  Never, Master.
Q:  When is insubordination, in any form accepted from a slave?
A:  Never, Master.
Q:  A slave is always permitted the last words in a discussion, what are they?
A:  Yes, Master.
Q:  What hangs upon the wall?
A:  The slave whip, Master.  How may I  be more pleasing?
He is Master, and I am Slave.
He is owner, and I am owned.
He commands, and I obey.
He is to be pleased, and I am to please.
Why is this?
Because he is Master, and I am Slave.
`Explorers of Gor - Page 179

"What is the duty of a slave girl," I inquired.
"Absolute obedience," she said, frightened.
"What are you?" I inquired.
"A slave girl," she said.
"What is your duty?" I asked.
"Absolute obedience," she cried out.
~Hunters of Gor - Page 258
What are you? I am a slave girl.
What is a slave girl? A girl who is owned.
Why do you wear a brand?  To show that I am owned.
 Why do you wear a collar? That men may know who owns me.
What does a slave girl want more than anything?  To please men.
What are you?  I am a slave girl.
What do you want more than anything? To please men."
! From Assassin of Gor, page 197~
"A girl's first duty, of course, Master," she said, "is to be pleasing to her Master."
"In what way?" I asked.
"In any, and every way, of course, Master," she said shyly.
~Vagabonds of Gor - Page 443
"What hangs upon the wall?" a master might ask.
"The slave whip, Master," she responds. "How may I be more pleasing?"
~Players of Gor - Page 25
Insubordination in any form, of any sort, in even the tiniest, least significant degree, is not accepted from slave girls by their Gorean masters.
~Players of Gor - Page 227
"You cannot punish me!" she cried. "You are not my Masters!"
"Any Free Person can punish an errant slave girl," I said. "Surely you do not think that her behavior fails to be subject to supervision and correction as soon as she is out of her Master's sight?"
~Magician of Gor - Page 225
The discipline of a slave may be attended to by any Free Person, otherwise she might do much what she wished, provided only her Master did not learn of it. The legal principle is clear, and has been upheld in several courts, in several cities, including Ar.
~Magicians of Gor - Page 122
In the eyes of Goreans, and Gorean law, the slave is an animal. She is not a person, but an animal. She has no name, saving what her master might choose to call her. She is without caste. She is without citizenship. She is simply an object, to be bartered, or bought or sold. She is simply an article of property, completely, nothing more.
~Hunters of Gor - Page 148

 Black Caste Rules: 􀀉
Original City of Turia BC Sim Laws, Version 2.3 (April 21, 2016)

Original City of Turia
Black Caste Laws
Version 2.3

~~Black Caste Sim Moderators~~
The following Assassin Mods are to be contacted to receive clearance papers to enter the city as a masked assassin, and/or to initiate a hunt, and/or for other matters pertaining to the Black Caste.

All Assassins will have a male avatar, that is human, have proof of training by current Caste standards, and be ninety (90) days old or more.
Current Caste Standards: In order to conduct a hunt in this sim, the Assassin must provide evidence of his qualifications to the sim’s Master Assassin in the form of certified training papers; personal knowledge on the part of the Master Assassin that the Killer has trained and/or who his training Mentor(s) was/were; and/or a letter of reference signed by at least two or more recognized Master Assassins.  Prior to the approval of a hunt, the signatories to such certified training papers and/or letters of reference may be contacted for verification. 
Assassins AND trainees are required to stop by and make the City's Master Assassin aware of their presence, failure to do so, may invalidate your hunt.
􀀎 Request for
Turia BC Hunt Request for [Insert SL Name Here]
1.  Rename using your SL name where it says "[Insert SL Name Here]" and remove the brackets.  Do this both in the body of the notecard and in the title of the notecard itself in your inventory.
2.  Fill out ALL sections.
3.  Save the notecard.
4.  Send to: Coda (Radioio Nemerower)

SL Name:

Display Name (if different):

Date that the client hired you:
(*This will be checked against
your hunt logs from the redacted
client meeting when submitted
following your hunt.)

Training verification:
(*Copy of your certificate as well
as the names of those who
trained you and/or a letter of
reference signed by at least two
or more recognized Master
Assassins.  These requirements
are not open for discussion.)

When would you like to arrange an IC meeting to receive your Hunt Clearance papers?

Within the City of Turia, the Black Caste maintains its independence and retains sovereignty over its own affairs.  The Master Assassin of Turia is considered "the administration" for all of the Black Caste’s affairs in the sim.  Thus, an Assassin shall not seek IC or OOC permission from the sim Ubar/Administrator to hunt on the sim.  He MUST contact the Master Assassin of this sim PRIOR to beginning his hunt. 
Once verification of the avatar requirements have been received, the Master Assassin will provide no mod/no copy Hunt Clearance papers for each specific hunt.  An eight digit code will be provided based upon the specific contract.  The Assassin is then free to begin that specific hunt.  Assassin moderators and/or sim moderators will not require details of who the target is IC or OOC, and the target of the Assassin will not be informed either IC or OOC. 
The Master Assassin will only require the date that the contract was initiated by the client to generate the code and to issue clearance papers.  The date of contract initiation will be held in confidence and is required to be given solely to the Master Assassin just to ensure that the required three day period of the hunt is met and that these Hunt Clearance papers are not used for multiple, unrelated clients and/or hunts. 
The Killer need only then be wearing the Mark of the Assassin and present the "Turia BC Hunt Clearance for [Insert SL Name Here]" in order to gain access to hunt with his mask and bow.
If Hunt Clearance papers are not in order, a hunt SHALL NOT begin until they are obtained from the Master Assassin.  Not doing so may (depending upon the circumstances) invalidate part or all of the role play.  While a hunt has no time limit, these clearance papers are time limited but renewable. 
If Hunt Clearance papers are not in order, an Assassin might possibly (on the discretion of those at the gates) not be allowed into the city.  In such a scenario, even if granted leave to enter, he must relinquish his bow and will not be allowed to wear a mask.
Note however, an Assassin may enter the city masked with only Mask Clearance papers, while he is hunting, provided that he is not in the kill phase of his hunt.  This is similar to how a Killer is allowed to enter a sim in disguise.  Masks are another form in which Killers maintain their anonymity.  A Killer might therefore choose to apply for both Mask Clearance and Hunt Clearance papers at the same time.
However, even if not hunting, he may seek just Mask Clearance papers to be allowed leave to enter the city and to maintain his anonymity.  Such papers will be provided by the Master Assassin following a similar process. 
Again, while Mask Clearance papers will allow him to wear a mask, he must still remove his bow.  Hunt Clearance papers and Mask Clearance papers differ from each other in order to prevent abuse of the Mark of the Assassin in gaining entry, remaining masked, and keeping a bow.
As the scrolls state:
“They have obtained clearances from the administration. They are authorized to enter the depths."
"Members of the black caste, the Assassins," said the pit master.
~Witness of Gor

"It must be opened," said the officer. "The administration has cleared them. They have authorization."
~Witness of Gor
"They will not have their way this day," said the pit master.
"And how is that?" asked the officer.
"Their papers are not in order," said the pit master.
"I see," said the officer.
~Witness of Gor
"Yet none would stand in the way of Kuurus for he wore on his forehead, small and fine, the sign of the black dagger.  When he of the Caste of Assassins has been paid his gold and has received his charge he affixes on his forehead that sign, that he may enter whatever city he pleases, that none may interfere with his work."
~Assassin of Gor
􀀏 Request for
Turia BC Mask Request for [Insert SL Name Here]
1.  Rename using your SL name where it says "[Insert SL Name Here]" and remove the brackets.  Do this both in the body of the notecard and in the title of the notecard itself in your inventory.
2.  Fill out ALL sections.
3.  Save the notecard.
4.  Send to: Coda (Radioio Nemerower)
NOTE: The Mask Clearance only entitles you to wear a mask or other facially obscuring item and to gain entry.  You must store your bow.  You may not present the Mask Clearance to gain entry during the kill phase.

SL Name:

Display Name (if different):

Training verification:
(*Copy of your certificate as well
as the names of those who
trained you and/or a letter of
reference signed by at least two
or more recognized Master
Assassins.  These requirements
are not open for discussion.)

When would you like to arrange an IC meeting to receive your Mask Clearance papers?

In general, free men will not be allowed into the City of Turia wearing a mask, hood, helmet, or other facially obscuring item.  For the purposes of this rule, all such items will be referred to as "mask" for convenience.  One exception to this general rule is if they are an Assassin (hunting or not hunting) who has received Hunt and/ or Mask Clearance papers from the Master Assassin of Turia.  Assassins who come in disguise or who do not have any clearance papers will follow the standard rules of the sim. 
Once verification of the avatar requirements have been received, the Master Assassin will provide no mod/no copy Mask Clearance papers, which are time limited but renewable.  An eight digit, randomly generated code will be provided (for masks only) to verify that such papers are valid.
As discussed in the Hunt Clearance section, an Assassin will be allowed to enter the city masked with only Mask Clearance papers, while he is hunting, provided that he is not in the kill phase of his hunt.  This is similar to how a Killer is allowed to enter a sim in disguise.  Masks are another form in which Killers maintain their anonymity and anonymity was the hallmark of the Back Caste.
As the scrolls state:
“The business of the Black Court was not one in which men lightly dabbled. In many cases one was not even sure who was, and who was not, a member of the black caste.”
~Mariners of Gor
"Why Assassins?" asked the pit master. "Why those of the black caste?"
"Efficiency, anonymity," said the officer.
~Witness of Gor
Killers were skilled men to be feared, not to be treated as outlaws.  They have a Caste, purpose, and place in Gorean society and tradition.  However, Killers also have traditions in with the Caste and, as stated above, Assassins AND trainees are required to stop by to make the City's Master Assassin aware of their presence.  This is a form of respect that is shown to the Master Assassin of the City before one begins a hunt or a trainee task.
Assassins may enter the City fully disguised if that is their desire. 
Assassins in the black clothing of their caste MUST be allowed to enter wearing a mask whether they are hunting or not providing they carry valid Mask Clearance papers.  See the above rules regarding how to gain access wearing a mask by receiving clearance papers from the Master Assassin.  They will, however, likely be watched with some fear as the men of the Black Caste were known to bring a chill to many.
Assassins in the black clothing of their caste and wearing the black dagger on their forehead, and presenting Hunt Clearance papers will not be required to disarm, remove their helmet, mask, hood, or otherwise disrobe beyond showing that they wear the mark.  The guards MUST allow them access to the City, but that does not mean that the Assassin will not be watched, and the Citizens will likely be very distrustful. They will be granted the following considerations:
* Passage through the city gates, to be left alone to do their work without undue interference.
* Bypass of the 30 minute rule, to be able to attack the target whenever opportunity allows without prior warning.
* Bypass of the requirement for multiple posted emotes in order to kill the target; a single post emote of the act (containing three or more sentences) will suffice.  This includes killing any who try to intervene following your initial kill post.  Note that these should be well written emotes.  Basic "one-liners" and/or hot key kills are considered unacceptable.  (A sentence consists of 10 or more words.)
* Once a weapon is drawn for the initial assassination attempt, an Assassin can be attacked and waylaid as usual.
Assassins may do their research on their target while fully disguised.  They must have IC knowledge of their target that they have learned during three separate visits on three different days.  Tag reading and mini maps, radar, or profile reading are all invalid forms of information gathering. 
Multiple Assassins are welcome to hunt here, some of our targets are not easy to hit, and if it takes 22 men to do the job, bring it, but beware of looking foolish, with too much overkill. 
Assassins preparing to make their final strike, will wear the mark of the dagger visibly and will be dressed in the full black livery of the Black Caste.
When the Assassin makes their kill, they must emote wearing the mark before their target, and before a weapon is drawn.  The Killing blow must be three or more sentences in an emote (of at least 30 total words) before the kill is effected. 
Once weapons are engaged, anyone near enough to have been aware of what happened, is free to act in protection of a citizen.  They must be able to see this visually or hear this in chat; IMs and/or group chats are not a reasonable means to ask for help and will be considered cheating and will invalidate such assistance.
Once the target is slain, the Assassin must depart the sim from a standard departure point,  If the Assassin is captured or killed on his way to the exit, that does not automatically invalidate the Kill Phase, assuming everything else would have been otherwise valid.  Teleporting out will result in an automatic capture, stripped, searched and imprisoned and most likely death.
The Assassin (and his client) are not required to recognize any further IC interaction  No subsequent IC reprisals coming directly from the target back to the Assassin and/or client or vice versa will be honored.
May be hired for guard duty, messenger service, armed escorts, etc, this is above and beyond the private contract between the Leader of the City and the Assassin.  Citizens may also hire the Killers to carry out personal contracts on others not of this city. 
Some Assassins of Turia present themselves in disguise.  Tag reading, profiles, or other OOC means to connect the always ICly secretive Killer with the cover persona will not be considered a valid means to identify the cover persona as a Killer.
Assassins were not popular men, most people would be uncomfortable having a serial killer over for supper.  To be taken for such by the populace would not be a normal choice.  Goreans were proud of their Caste, and generally dressed in such a way that it took no effort for anyone to realize what Caste they were.  Warriors and Mercenaries would find it rather objectionable to be looked at and thought of as an Assassin, even if it was just because they think black looks cool.  The rivalry between Assassins and Warriors is one of long standing, and Assassins don't wear the scarlet any more then the Warriors wear the Black. 
Visiting free men who are dressed in what appears to be all black especially if hooded, helmed, and or masked should be treated as an Assassin, Outlaw or impostor depending on the nature of the RP. 
There are harsh punishments for those who would impersonate another caste.  Those who are discovered to be impersonating members of the Black Caste could face enormous consequences for such actions including torture and/or death.
􀀌 The Black Garments of the Black Caste
Assassins were known by the color of their clothing and not just the helm and cloak.  Further information on how Assassins were dressed and viewed by others can be found below.

He wore the BLACK helmet of a member of the Caste of Assassins.
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 133

I had noticed that there was among the crowd one tall, somber figure who sat alone on a high, wooden throne, surrounded by tarnsmen. He wore the BLACK helmet of a member of the Caste of Assassins.
Tarnsman of Gor, Page133

I cleared my head as best I could, and into my uncertain field of vision moved a DARK object, which became the BLACK helmet of a member of the Caste of Assassins. Slowly, with a stylized movement, the helmet was lifted, and I found myself staring up into a gray, lean, cruel face, a face that might have been made of metal. The eyes were inscrutable, as if they had been of glass or stone and set artificially in that metallic mask of a countenance.
"I am Pa-Kur," said the man.
It was he, the Master Assassin of Ar, leader of the assembled horde.
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 136

“Were it not for the daughter of Marlenus,” said Pa-Kur, his metallic face as placid as the quicksilver behind a mirror, “I would have slain you honorably. That I swear by the BLACK helmet of my caste.”
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 138

"On the highest ground in camp," said Mintar, "near the second ditch and across from the great gate of Ar. You will see the BLACK banner of the Caste of Assassins."
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 175

I dyed my hair black and acquired the helmet and gear of an Assassin. Across the left temple of the BLACK helmet I fixed the golden slash of the messenger. In this disguise I freely wandered about the camp, observing the siege operations, the appointment of the compounds, the marshaling of the troops.
Tarnsman of Gor, Pages 176-177

There, on a hillock overlooking the palisades that rimmed the rampart to the ditch, I saw the wall of BLACK silk that surrounded the compound of Pa-Kur. Inside were the dozens of tents that formed the quarters for his personal retinue and bodyguard. Above them, at several places, flew the BLACK banner of the Caste of Assassins."
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 182

...put on the heavy BLACK helmet of the Assassin...
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 182

Within the first wall of BLACK silk, there was a second wall, but this time of iron bars. Pa-Kur was not as careless about his own safety as I had conjectured. Additionally, overhead I could see lines of tarn wire.
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 183

It was as a warrior of Gor that I arose and donned the BLACK helmet and the garments of the caste of Assassins. I loosened my sword in its sheath, set my shield on my arm, and grasped my spear. My steps were determined when I left the tent. I strode meaningfully to the great tarn cot at the entrance to Mintar's compound and demanded my tarn.
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 190

No one ventured to repel me. All were silent. I wore the garb of the Caste of Assassins, and on the left temple of the BLACK helmet was the golden slash of the messenger.
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 192

He did not enjoy being summoned by an enemy of Ar, and in particular by one who wore the habiliments of the hated Caste of Assassins.
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 192

To them, my presence was unauthorized, and my Assassin’s garb, far from being a safe-conduct, was an incitement to attack.
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 200

The Cylinder of Justice was a lofty cylinder of pure white marble, the flat roof of which was some two hundred yards in diameter. There were about two hundred people on the cylinder roof. I could see the white robes of Initiates and the variegated colors of soldiers, both of Ar and of Pa-Kur's horde. And, dark among these shapes, like shadows, I could see the somber BLACK of members of the Caste of Assassins.
Tarnsman of Gor, Page 204

I opened the leather bundle. In it I found the scarlet tunic, sandals and cloak which constitute the normal garb of a member of the caste of Warriors. This was as it should be, as I was of that caste, and had been since that morning, some seven years ago, when in the Chamber of the Council of High castes I had accepted weapons from the hands of my father, Matthew Cabot, Administrator of Ko-ro-ba, and had taken the Home Stone of that city as my own.
Outlaw of Gor, Pages 21-22

"But I am of the Caste of Warriors," I said, "of a high city and we do not stain our spears for the stones of men not, even such stones as these." The Paravaci was speechless. "You dare to tempt me," I said, feigning anger, "as if I beyond the dreams of a man, were of the Caste of Assassins or a common thief with his dagger in the night." I frowned at him. "Beware," I warned, "lest I take your words as insult."
Nomads of Gor, Pages 20-21

For years the BLACK of the Assassins had been outlawed in the city. Pa-Kur, who had been Master of the Assassins, had led a league of tributary cities to attack Imperial Ar in the time when its Home Stone had been stolen and its Ubar forced to flee. The city had fallen and Pa-Kur, though of low caste, had aspired to inherit the imperial mantle of Marlenus, had dared to lift his eyes to the throne of Empire and place about his neck the golden medallion of a Ubar, a thing forbidden to such as he in the myths of the Counter-Earth. Pa-Kur’s horde had been defeated by an alliance of free cities, led by Ko-ro-ba and Thentis, under the command of Matthew Cabot of Ko-ro-ba, the father of Tarl of Bristol, and Kazrak of Port Kar, sword brother of the same Warrior. Tarl of Bristol himself on the windy height of Ar’s Cylinder of Justice had defeated Pa-Kur, Master Assassins. From that time the BLACK of the Assassins had not been seen in the streets of Glorious Ar.
Assassin of Gor, Page 6

"Yet none would stand in the way of Kuurus for he wore on his forehead, small and fine, the BLACK dagger.
When he of the caste of Assassins has been paid his gold and has received his charge he affixes on his forehead that sign, that he may enter whatever city he pleases, that none may interfere with his work.
There are few men who have done great wrong or who have powerful, rich enemies who do not tremble upon learning that one has been brought to their city who wears the dagger."
Assassin of Gor, Pages 6-7

"Welcome, Killer," said the man, addressing the Assassin by what, for that caste, is a title of respect.
Assassin of Gor, Page 14

"'May I ask, Killer,' asked Portus, 'if you come to make the first killing--or the second?'
'The second,' said Kuurus.
'Ah!' said Portus.
'I hunt,' said Kuurus.
'Of course,' said Portus.
'I come to avenge,' said Kuurus.
Portus smiled. 'That is what I meant,' he said, 'that it is good those in the BLACK tunic are once again amongst us, that justice can be done, order restored, right upheld.'
Kuurus looked at him, the eyes not smiling. 'There is only gold and steel,' said he.
'Of course,' hastilly agreed Portus. 'That is very true.' "
Assassin of Gor, Page 18

"He frightens me," she wept. "He is of the BLACK caste."
"Serve him wine," said he, "or you will be stripped and thrown into a pen of male slaves."
The girl turned and withdrew, then approached again, climbing the stairs, delicately, as though timidly, head down. Then she leaned forward, bending her knees slightly, her body graceful, and spoke, her voice a whipser in my ear, an invitation, "Wine, Master?" as though offering not wine, but herself.....
I looked at the girl. Her eyes met mine, softly. Her lips were slightly parted. "Wine, Master?" she asked.
Assassin of Gor, Page 89

Flaminius looked at me, with a certain drunken awe. Then he rose in his green quarters tunic and went to a chest in his room, from which he drew forth a large bottle of paga. He opened it and, to my surprise, poured two cups. He took a good mouthful of the fluid from one of the cups, and bolted it down, exhaling with satisfaction.
“You seem to me, from what I have seen and heard,” I said, “a skilled Physician.”
He handed me the second cup, though I wore the BLACK tunic.
“In the fourth and fifth year of the reign of Marlenus,” said he, regarding me evenly, “I was first in my caste in Ar.”
Assassin of Gor, Pages 265-269

The man stood in the doorway, in the somber garb of his caste.
"I see you wear the scarlet of the warrior," he said. It was true. I had awakened in the tunic of my caste. The furs had been taken from me.
"And you, my friend," said I, "are clothed now in the proper habiliments of your caste." He wore now, brazenly, the BLACK of the Assassin. Over his left shoulder, looped on a ringed strap, he wore a blade, the short sword.
Beasts of Gor, Page 347

 He seemed slow. But I knew he did not come to his somber garb by any tardiness of action or hesitancy in deed. The training of the assassin is thorough and cruel. He who wears the BLACK of that caste has not won it easily. Candidates for the caste are chosen with great care, and only one in ten, it is said, completes the course of instruction to the satisfaction of the caste masters. It is assumed that failed candidates are slain, if not in the training, for secrets they may have learned. Withdrawal from the caste is not permitted. Training proceeds in pairs, each pair against others. Friendship is encouraged. Then, in the final training, each member of the pair must hunt the other. When one has killed one’s friend one is then likely to better understand the MEANING OF THE BLACK. When one has killed one’s friend one is then unlikely to find mercy in his heart for another. One is then alone, with gold and steel.
    I looked at Drusus.
    The assassins take in lads who are perhaps characterized by little but unusual swiftness, and cunning, and strength and skill, and perhaps a selfishness and greed, and, in time, transform this raw material into efficient, proud, merciless men, practitioners of a dark trade, men loyal to secret codes the content of which is something at which most men dare not guess.
    Drusus was looking at me.
    I kept in mind he had survived the training of the assassin.
Beasts of Gor, Page 358

􀀍Impersonating Another Caste
                  Impersonating Another Caste

There is a crime of "attempting to deceive with respect to caste." This encompasses such actions as engaging in business under false pretenses and claiming explicitly to be of a caste other than your own. Such deceptions most often occur when people pretend to be Physicians. This crime does not apply to all actions that are part of a Caste's primary focus. For example, anyone, and not just a member of the Slaver's Caste, can legally sell a slave. But, that same person cannot claim to be a member of the Slaver's Caste if he is not.
"In rare cases, one might have been permitted by the Council of High Caste to raise caste. None of course would accept a lower caste, and there were lower castes, the caste of Peasants for example, the most basic Caste of all Gor."
~Outlaw of Gor~ pg 27
"A man who refused to practice his livelihood or strove to alter status without the consent of the Council of High Castes was, by definition, an outlaw and subject to impalement." ~Tarnsman of Gor~ pg 45
There were only three statuses conceivable to the Gorean mind outside of the caste system: slave, outlaw, and Priest-King. A man who refused to practice his livelihood or strove to alter status without the consent of the Council of High castes was, by definition, an outlaw and subject to impalement.
~Tarnsman of Gor~  pg 45-46
 Though one is commonly born into a caste one is often not permitted to practice the caste craft until a suitable apprenticeship has been served. This guarantees the quality of the caste product. It is possible, though it is seldom the case, that members of a caste are not permitted to practice specific caste skills, though they may be permitted to practice subsidiary skills. For example, one who is of the Metalworkers might not be permitted to work iron, but might be permitted to do such things as paint iron, and transport and market it. caste rights, of course, such as the right to caste support in time of need and caste sanctuary, when in flight, which are theirs by birth, remain theirs.
~Fighting Slave of Gor ~ pg 209-210
The caste of thieves was important in Port Kar, and even honored. It represented a skill which in the city was held in high repute. Indeed, so jealous of their prerogatives were the caste of thieves that they often hunted thieves who did not belong to the caste, and slew them, throwing their bodies to the urts in the canals. Indeed, there was less thievery in Port Kar than there might have been were there no caste of thieves in the city. They protected, jealously, their own territories from amateur competition. Ear notching and mutilation, common punishment on Gor for thieves, were not found in Port Kar. The caste was too powerful.
---Hunters of Gor, 22:304
To most Goreans it would be unthinkable to alter caste. He is generally too proud of his caste and it is too much a part of him for him to think in such terms. It is, too, recognized that all, or most, of the castes perform necessary, commendable or useful functions.
~ Fighting Slave of Gor~ pg 210
caste is important to the Gorean in ways that are difficult to make clear to one whose social structures do not include the relationships of caste
~Fighting Slave of Gor~  pg 211
It was as a warrior of Gor that I arose and donned the black helmet and the garments of the caste of Assassins. I loosened my sword in its sheath, set my shield on my arm, and grasped my spear. My steps were determined when I left the tent. I strode meaningfully to the great tarn cot at the entrance to Mintar's compound and demanded my tarn.
~Tarnsman of Gor ~ pg 190
“But as a free woman of high caste,” she exclaimed, “to be put in the garment of a free woman of low caste is unthinkable!”
~Vagabonds of Gor~  pg 379
"And if I dressed in such a manner that my caste would not be clear," she said, "it is no more than many women do upon occasion. Surely some women even reserve the caste robes and colors for such things as formal occasions, and some even for ceremonial functions."
"True," said Aemilianus.
"I do not think then I should be held accountable under the charge of attempting to deceive with respect to caste," she said. "For example, I engaged in no business under false pretenses, and I never claimed explicitly to be of a caste other than my own." It seemed to me that she did have a point here. The legal problems connected with intent to deceive with respect to caste, of course, problems of the sort which presumably constitute the rationale of the law, usually come up in cases of fraud or impersonation, for example, with someone pretending to be of the Physicians.
~Renegades of Gor~ Pg 368
The man stood in the doorway, in the somber garb of his caste.
"I see you wear the scarlet of the warrior," he said. It was true. I had awakened in the tunic of my caste. The furs had been taken from me.
"And you, my friend," said I, "are clothed now in the proper habiliments of your caste." He wore now, brazenly, the black of the Assassin. Over his left shoulder, looped on a ringed strap, he wore a blade, the short sword.
~Beasts of Gor~   Page 347
All Assassins hunting here should keep a log of their hunt ready to be presented should it be requested by the BC Moderator, and it MUST be turned over on conclusion of a hunt.  All of it should be there including the hire ((client name removed)).
Missing logs or poor rp or failure to abide by the above rules may cause your RP to be invalidated, and possibly ruin months of work.  Major violation(s) or abuse(s) of the rules may result in banning. 
Misuse or counterfeit of Clearance Papers may revoke all future privileges to visit or hunt.  OOC disputes that are couched as IC RP, will likely be invalidated and the offending parties risk sim bans if a track record of such OOC harassment can be established. 
All results of the sim Moderators are final. 

Any questions, contact:
Black Caste Master Assassin of Turia
Black Caste Moderator of Turia

OOCly speaking, there are no tags over Turian's heads to give away who they are or what role they play.  You will have to engage our role players and your caste mates in order to work your way into Turia.  There are NO Citizen Applications, but there are ALT Applications as well as Slave (city and Private owned) registers.
Slave Papers: 􀀁 Intake Form
..........::::::::**** The Turian Kennels
                                        ❉ Intake Form ❉

The following documentation is to be filled out by a slaver or numbered girl during the time of intake. Intake is completed as soon as a slave is brought to the kennel.

                °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °

SL Name:
Name Given:
Previous Owner:
☒☐ Submitted
☒☐ Captured
If captured, please explain circumstances:
Virginity Status
☒☐ Red Silk
☒☐ White Silk
Dosed With Slave Wine
☒☐ Yes
☒☐ No
☒☐ Secure : Does not need re-branded.
☒☐ Unbranded : Needs branded.
OOC: Do you want input on who you are sold too?
☒☐ Yes
☒☐ No
OOC: Are there any issues with sexual RP?
☒☐ Yes
☒☐ No
OOC: What are your online times SL times?
OOC: Do you know what a FG is and her duties and power in a kennels?
Attach a notecard of the intake test here.

Attach a notecard of the intake process here.

Add the girls name and date to the name of the form. Pass a copy to Lady Kit and one in the scroll box in Master Gunners Office

                °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °  °

Prepared By:
Sealed By:

Story Ideas/ RP Events: 􀀂
This is a VOLUNTARY Application and by no means is it required.  Alts ARE permitted in Turia without any one's permission or knowledge.  And it is against LL's TOS to reveal anything about another member of SL including Real Life details as well as their Alternate accounts.
The purpose of this form is to:
A.   Alert the Admin  (Alexis/ MsSins) that the character is not a permanent resident of Turia in need of Housing and for any assistance in props.
B.  Create disposable characters that can have ANY outcome up to and including death conclude it's chapter in Turia.
C.  Give a main player a chance to do something OTHER Than the role they have been RPing for the past  (insert a #) of years in SL Gor.

Please keep in mind that Meta Gaming will be monitored for all members of Turia, whether main or alt. Please be aware of what Meta Game means and that the character is PURELY FICTIONAL.
Can this form be shared between Alexis & Cyrus or not?
SL Name:
Character's Name:
Character's Role/ Caste:

Will you Need props put down about the sim(s)?

What is the furthest out come you have in mind for this character?
Low Risk - such as thievary?
Med Risk - Battle, incarcerated / up to fined or thrown out?
High Risk -  Death/  Impalement/ Trials?

This Application is only to go to MsSins Resident OR Rhetorrix Resident.
Unreasonable Limits are not honored here. No collaring, Gags, Hair cutting, rape, etc..are not allowed. No one may punish me but my owner is also not allowed. You are in Gor. Fading to black is allowed.
There is only a sim wide Trade Bell Alert, and nothing else.  This means if you need a slave you must walk about the city or look about the city to find one.  Same with caste mates, Physicians, etc.  No group chat is IC, and you are not permitted to use groups to summon slaves or people to you nor share IC information to others not in your chat range.

IMs are OOC.   See the OOC sim rules for details on IMs and Local Chat reguarding OOC and IC.  We will not mod IMs or RP unless it breaks a serious rule.  Dont not IM people to get them to come to you, go to them. Groups are not IC, but be respectful.
No OOC in local. If you need to leave to RL, rp your way out. If you need to go immediately, log out right there.  have an question for the other role player,  IM them to get important details ONLY.   Do not set away mode in RP areas, move to a place out of sight and out of rp. Go to residential, or find a cubby.  You may set your meters to AWAY or to Active or to Arena, but NO OOC mode is allowed here by unauthorized people.
When you land on Turia's ground, you will be fully immersed into the sim and gorean role play.  You should see variety of people, goods and noise of a bustling city.  You shouldn't see many, if any Mamba, Taluna or even Panthers.  A Torvie would be a rare sight, more so than seeing a plain's Black larl.  It is hot and dry in the day, dust storms happen with frequency and all high caste women are covered from head to toe, and most of the slaves as well.  At night it is cold.

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