Friday, June 24, 2016

Weapons List for Turia

The below information is a list of suggested weapons, banned weapons, and approved weapons specs as written by the creators of the Gorean Meter. There is no allowed weapons list, however, it is highly recommended that you use weapons from the suggested weapons list in order to avoid suspicion or weapons tests during raids.


**Note - By entering this sim you agree to be subject to random weapons tests before, during, or after a raid. Failure to comply could result in ejection and banning.


1.) Banned Weapons -


-AC  (Anhandreu Riederer) and yes the G4




**Note - Weapons Makers will not be allowed to use their own weapons! We know all your alts and your tricks to modify your hit reports, guys. We appreciate your work but in KWC you will follow the rules.



2.) Recommended Weapons


**Defensive play is turned on, and encouraged. Shields are allowed, however, shields must be realistic and visible on your avatar. We understand that shield scripts can be placed into prims that aren't shields, and this is against the rules. Don't do it.


Running with your shield script running is also prohibited and will result in a ban.


Any AO that alters the normal effects of normal play is illegal**



***Slave weapons must do slave damage and not have excessive speed. Slave claws, are discouraged for slave use. However, muffins, turnips, and similar slave weapons which operate in the same way as slave rocks are encouraged. Be aware that slaves captured in RP using any weapon, even a muffin, are subject to possible execution. This sim does promote roleplay over such killings, though. Just keep in mind that this is a Gorean sim and crazy female slaves using wolverine claws is unrealistic.




-Elle Erre weapons L.R. (Larion Rhode)


- Metered Animals (Adoveea Rau)


-PL Designs (Patrik Ling)



-Alika Sao Weaponry


-Ancient Builds (Jake Molinaro)

-Markz (Markz McMahon)


-EZ Weaponry (Romper Barbosa)



-Jara Creations (Jaraziah Lowell)


-VoFhang Weapons Argentum (Lego Antfarm)



3.) That being said, we understand that some weapons have been released that haven't had time to be added to the list. If you are a weapons maker and are interested in your weapons being added to the recommended weapons list send an IM to Cross101 Avro, and he will get back to you.


We follow the approved weapons specs that come with the Gorean Meter. This means great weapons are allowed. Please take time to scan the below specs and check the notecard with your weapon to make sure that your weapons comply with the below specs. If your weapon fits into these specs, do not cause lag, and have no exploits or major glitches, your weapon should easily be approved.



Section 1: Bows


Bow/Crossbow (Short Arrow)         0.8 s                            3.5 m (splash)       60 m/s              sword                               arrow / arrow~direct


Bow/Crossbow (Long Arrow)          0.9 s                            3.5 m (splash)       60 m/s              sword                                arrow / arrow~direct



Note that bows have 0.05s additional delay required in hold down mouse button mode, both in long and short range mode.

(note that no such thing as Mouse hold is sanctioned by GM specs for Melee weapons)


Arrow name must clearly show the Long range arrow so it can be recognized as such since there are sims that do not allow use of long.





Section 2: Darts (blow darts)


Blow darts                                        0.6 s                             3.5 m (splash),  max 30 m flight       60 m/s                          sword     dart / dart~direct


NOTE!! Darts may not do damage past 30 meters of flight, guide at bottom of the Gorean Meter Developer Guide document on how to check that





Section 3: Daggers


Dagger, fist weapon                      0.6 sec                      2.35m                        180 degree     sword                               dagger

Dagger, fist weapon                       0.5 sec                        2.0m                        180 degree     sword                              dagger


Dagger (thrown)                               0.9 sec                       3.5m splash   60 m/sec (-0.6arc) sword                              dagger / dagger~direct





Section 4: Swords (SWORDS and SWORDS only go here, this cannot be stressed enough)



Sword                                             0.55 sec                     2.5m                          180 degree    sword                             sword

Sword                                             0.58 sec                     2.6m                          180 degree    sword                             sword

Sword                                             0.62 sec                     2.7m                          180 degree    sword                             sword

Sword                                             0.65 sec                     2.8m                          180 degree    sword                             sword

(Specs in between are all right if calculated correctly like for example 0.60 sec and 2.65 range)





Section 5: Spears



Spear                                                1.4 sec                        3.5m                        180 degree     sword                                spear

Spear                                                1.3 sec                        3.4m                         180 degree     sword                               spear

Spear                                                1.2 sec                        3.3m                         180 degree     sword                               spear

Spear                                                1.1 sec                        3.2m                         180 degree     sword                               spear

Spear                                                1.0 sec                        3.1m                         180 degree     sword                               spear

Spear                                                0.9 sec                        3.0m                         180 degree     sword                               spear

Lance or Polearm                            1.7 sec                        3.8m                         180 degree     sword                               spear






Section 6: Whips


Whip                                                   1.5 sec                       3.6m                          180 degree    sword                              whip    

Whip                                                   1.4 sec                       3.5m                          180 degree    sword                              whip  

Whip                                                   1.3 sec                       3.4m                          180 degree    sword                              whip    

Whip                                                   1.2 sec                       3.3m                          180 degree    sword                              whip    

Whip                                                   1.1 sec                       3.2m                          180 degree    sword                              whip  

Whip                                                   1.0 sec                       3.1m                          180 degree    sword                              whip

Whip                                                   0.9 sec                       3.0m                          180 degree    sword                              whip

Whip                                                   0.8 sec                       2.8m                          180 degree    sword                              swhip  (note the small whip strike here)

Whip                                                   0.7 sec                       2.7m                          180 degree    sword                               swhip  (note the small whip strike here)

Whip                                                   0.6 sec                       2.6m                          180 degree    sword                              swhip  (note the small whip strike here)

Whip                                                   0.55 sec                     2.5m                          180 degree    sword                              swhip  (note the small whip strike here)




Section 7: Axes, Hammers, Clubs, Maces and other such



Axes,Hammers,Clubs, Maces       0.55 sec                     2.5m                          180 degree    sword                             pickaxe

Axes,Hammers,Clubs, Maces       0.58 sec                     2.6m                          180 degree    sword                             pickaxe

Axes,Hammers,Clubs, Maces       0.62 sec                     2.7m                          180 degree    sword                             pickaxe

Axes,Hammers,Clubs, Maces       0.65 sec                     2.8m                          180 degree    sword                             pickaxe

(Specs in between are all right if calculated correctly like for example 0.60 sec and 2.65 range)


Note if its a club, then it better be a mean and serious battle club, if just a normal club then put low damage on it like brooms have.





Section 8: Tiny hammers, like a small blacksmith hammer for one hand


Hammer (Tiny)                                  0.6 sec                       2.35m                         180 degree   sword                             shammer  (note the small hammer strike here)

(Note the strike type on the tiny hammer since it may not do 30% hammer big hammer strike in enhanced melee mode)





Section 9: Great Axe and Great hammers - huge hammers and huge axes


Great Axes / Great Hammers       1.6 sec                       3.3m                         180 degree      great                               axe


No switching stances here, if your weapon is a Great Axe then its always a great axe, and never gets lighter so you can swing it faster. Its up to you

if its a Great Axe / Hammer or not, but it cant be settable in  both great mode and normal.


*Note experimental stats might be subject to change in next versions if you implement Great Axe spec then





Section 10: Depreciated strikes that still work but will be phased out in the coming versions of the meter


Axe or Hammer                                1.4 sec                        3.5m                          180 degree    sword                              axe or hammer

Axe or Hammer (Small)                   1.2 sec                        3.3m                          180 degree    sword                             axe or hammer





Section 11: Low damage weapons


Stones or Larma (throw)              0.9 sec  (1.1bps)       3.5m splash               60 m/sec (-0.6arc)    kick                      slave / slave~direct (5th param)

broom (Slave)                                 0.55~0.65 sec           2.5~3.0m                   180 degree           kick                               slave (5th param)

(Note 5th param is used here for compatibility with other meters, put something that makes sense in 4th, like kick or dagger for other meters)

(Note you may not have 3 meter range and 0.55 delay take the fastest spec then you take the shortest reach or longest range then you take the slowest spec)




Section 12: Other things


Unarmed (Hands / feet)                   0.5 sec                       1.5m                           180 degree         punch or  kick              none

Trap                                                        3.0 sec                                                                                          trap                               none

Ballistas (aimed with selection)     5.0 sec                       3.5m splash               60 m/sec             great                            none

Ballistas (aimed with mouselook) 2.5 sec                       3.5m splash               60 m/sec             great                            none

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